Chapter 11

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It was the first time Yui felt like something is flying inside her stomach just by the casual and random conversation she had with Jiro. She couldn't help herself but pay attention to even the smallest details – how Jiro always looks her straight in the eye every time she's saying something, how Jiro listens and pays attention to her, making sure she's always comfortable and okay, how gentleman Jiro is opening doors for her, matching her pace while walking despite her small steps, and how Jiro gives her all kinds of reaction. He's very attentive and she admires how mature and smart Jiro talks. She has never been so interested in a guy except of course her brother who's ready to spoil her with everything.

With all the butterflies in her stomach, she forgot that she's wearing Jiro's shirt when Kei picked her up in the campus. She was all smiles when she hopped in the car, but Kei immediately recognized the scent and shirt on her.

"I'm sorry, I don't want to be nosy but is that..."

Yui's eyes slightly expanded and looked at her shirt in panic. She shyly chuckled and said, "Oh, someone accidentally bumped into Jiro-senpai, splashing some bubble tea on my blouse."

Kei subtly nodded as his lips curl up while focusing on the wheels. "Ah, I see. So, he lent you his shirt."

"Y-Yes." she let out an awkward laugh.

The rest of the ride was awkward silence, or at least Yui suddenly felt awkward around Kei. Although she's a very cheerful person most of the time, somehow, she always gets shy around the Sakai brothers.

When Kei was about to turn to the route going to the mansion, she instructed him to go to his brother's penthouse instead before dropping her home. If she wanted to try pursuing Jiro, she needs to change her bodyguard. She feels like she would have a bit of guilt if she let Kei drive her around school and let him be her bodyguard despite her liking his brother. So, when they arrived at the penthouse, she went straight to her brother's office right away.

Riku was a bit surprised seeing Yui in his office unannounced. His brows met halfway seeing her in an unusual black t-shirt and jeans.

"When did you start wearing shirts?"

"Nii-chan! I don't want Sakai-san to be my bodyguard anymore. You can have him." she ignored him.

Riku's brows raised at the sudden outburst out of nowhere. He leaned back on his swivel chair as his sister now has his attention.

"Did something happen?"

Yui looked away and fidgeted on her fingers. "Well... I'll have my old chauffer back. I don't feel any danger anymore. So, I no longer need a personal bodyguard. But... you can keep Kei-san here."

Riku narrowed his eyes on his sister. She just whined at him nonstop almost a month ago to get Sakai Kei to be her personal bodyguard and now she doesn't want him anymore. Riku was confused to say the least.

"Did something happen between you two?" his voice was coated with suspicion which Yui immediately shot back.

"No! Nothing happened. I swear."

"If you don't tell me anything, I won't understand."

Yui whined and pouted. "Nii-chan! Or you can give me another bodyguard if you want."

The suspicion on Riku's gaze even intensified. "What is this about Kimura Yui?"

Hearing her full name from his brother, her face turned serious, and she unconsciously bit her lower lip.

"I promise. I'll tell you next time."

Riku's face softened seeing the slight fear on his sister's face along with his soft voice. "Okay. And tell me about that shirt you're wearing next time."

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