Chapter 25

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The lady sparkled in her own diamond necklace with her elegant face that Riku couldn't deny is beautiful. Hearing her name, particularly her last name, she must be the only daughter of the Hwang Conglomerate in Korea. They have been partners for the Japan-Korea businesses for a long while now. But the Hwang has never brought their daughter in any of their events, until now.

"Oh milady, it is also my great pleasure to meet you tonight. Thank you for your bid. I think it really found a good home. It's one of our best pieces yet." Riku extended his right hand for a handshake which Yeji happily granted him.

"You flatter me, Kimura-san. Tonight, was amazing. I'm glad my father sent me."

The guests, along with at least one or two of their own bodyguards, started dispersing and exiting the venue. While Riku talked to Yeji, he was a bit relaxed, thinking they will end this night with just a bluff ambush, after all.

"We will deliver the piece – "


A gunfire was suddenly shot that surprised everyone, even Arisu wasn't able to catch it before one of the men in suit opened fire. It was unexpected because it came from one of... Yeji's bodyguard. He just shot her from the back.

"All units on ground! On the move! Protect Kimura-san and make sure all guests are safe!"

More shots followed from different side as Riku's bodyguards engaged with the three bodyguards from the Hwang.

"Yeji-san! Yeji-san!" Riku tried to wake the unconscious lady up, to no avail. In just a matter of seconds, Yoshi, Kenji, and Kei surrounded Riku for protection.

"Kimura-san! Kenji and I will bring the lady out to safety." Yoshi almost shouted amidst the loud shots before briefly glancing to Kei on his right side. "Kei will escort you out."

Hearing this, Kenji kneeled down to carry Yeji while Yoshi covered for them. A couple of Tatsu Ikka bodyguards also approached them and made their way out. Meanwhile, Kei did the same. He covered for Riku until another three bodyguards went for their rescue.

Arisu remained on the hindsight, giving instructions to all their units as suddenly, they were already penetrated by more men clad in all black entered the venue – even the guests' securities had engaged to protect their VIPs.

Bodies started dropping, blood staining the marbled floor, and gunfire not ceasing as they made their way to the emergency exit. But on their way, they were also pursued by a group of men dressed in all black with their masks on. The fight was taking place and even Riku already pulled his own gun out to shoot.

Kei saw an opportunity for him to drag Riku out of the brawling which he did while the other bodyguards were busy engaging and protecting their boss.

"Kimura-san, let's go. Stay behind me." Kei's eyes were so focused as they run towards the other exit.

A few more bandits opened fired at them, yet they both managed to bring them down. But they were already out of ammos. On their way out, both of them were about to fetch another gun from the dead men, when one of them pulled out a knife on Riku.

"Kimura-san!" Kei called out. A fight broke out between the limping man. He was shot by his foot but despite that, he could still fight both Riku and Kei, albeit struggling.

Kei protected Riku by fighting the man alone, giving Riku time to run to his safety.

"Go now! I can handle this." Kei said while taking punches and also throwing kicks.

The assailant was a bit huge than Kei and a bit strong, so Kei was somehow trying to take him down. But every time he was about to reach a gun, the man would kick him and throw hard punches despite his injury. Riku knew he needed to help. So, he did.

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