Chapter 6

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"How's he doing?"

Riku nonchalantly inquired from Arisu while he was working on some documents on his laptop. Hearing this question, the head of his bodyguard immediately knew who he was referring to.

"It's only been three days but he's already showing great performance. It's probably because he used to fight. He'll be trained on his shooting skills next and at this rate, he'll definitely pass the training if he excels in his guns as well." Arisu casually explained.

Riku just nodded his head as he listened, wearing a rather not interested expression on him despite him asking the question as if he already knew what Arisu was going to tell him.

"How is he with others then?" he asked next.

Arisu subtly sighed. "Some are still picking on him, but there haven't been any fights among them. Some of them are just being curious of his condition."

"Good. Make sure he's ready by next week. Yui is killing me with her constant whining."

"Yes, Sir."


Training seemed easy to do for Kei as someone who practically live in an underground fight club for years. Aside from a couple of classes he took about the Kimura family, everything else was just a more formal fighting training for him – from physical endurance which obviously was an easy pass for him as someone who doesn't feel pain, to survival training. He also learned a lot from the Kimura Empire because of his classes. But he's now worried that behind the household name lies the dark side of the most prominent name in Japan.

After some sparring with other bodyguards as part of his training, Kei leisurely walked back to his room with his dirty shirt. When he opened the door, he was greeted by a friendly smile from his roommate, Yoshi, who is also one of the main unit guards of Riku.

"Wow. You looked like you cleaned up the entire floor with your shirt." he teased.

Kei just scoffed at him and removed the shirt in question. "You'll be surprised if I haven't at this point."

Yoshi gently patted him on the shoulder. "They'll get used to you. Just hang in there."

Kei smiled in gratitude before grabbing a small kit from the drawer beside his bed and sat, picking up the digital equipment from it. Curious, Yoshi sat opposite to him on his bed.

"What are those?"

"Oh, I need to check my vital statistics from time to time just to make sure everything's okay inside me. You know, even fever feels nothing to me. I won't know I have one unless I check my temperature."

Giving him an amused and thrilled look, Yoshi leaned forward to watch Kei checks himself. After getting the temperature which came out normal, he checked his blood pressure next.

"So, do you go to the hospital for check-ups?" Yoshi innocently inquired.

"Hmm. Once in a while, or else my brother will nag the shit out of me." Kei chuckled while putting back all the small machines back in the pouch after everything came out normal, and put them in the drawer.

"What a good brother you have then, taking care of you."

A proud smile escaped his lips. "He is."

"Don't worry. You'll only guard Ms. Kimura. Nothing major will happen." Yoshi tapped his thigh. "She usually doesn't go out a lot. Just from time to time? Riku-san also doesn't like her going out unless it's a family stuff where he can personally guard her."

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