Chapter 24

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"What happened to your lips? Did you get into a fight?" Arisu immediately noticed the little fresh bruise on his boss's lips the next morning.

Riku shot daggers on his head bodyguard for his remark, which was somehow unusual from him.

"You really always notice the smallest thing. Tsk. It's nothing. I'm fine."

"You could've called me last night. I told you to not wonder alone. It's dangerous."

Riku stared intently at his laptop screen while waiting for Arisu to give him the full details of their next important schedule, ignoring Arisu's last words. A few days ago, they got a tip off about the planned ambush in one of their events commencing in three days' time, just barely enough for them to stop it from happening.

In three days, they will be holding a very exclusive bidding event opened only to a several handpicked high profile business partners and friends very close to Tatsu Ikka. And Riku had ordered his high intelligent security team to crack the code and tell him the name or entity trying to ambush and sabotage this event. Aside from the historic and exquisite antiques worth of million dollars, Riku needs to protect the association or words will spread out.

"We have personally delivered the invitation to selected guests and to think that someone still got a hold of that information only means it could be an inside job. Or someone from our list just wants to mess with us and bluff about the ambush. Why else would a rat tip us off of it. They hired a nobody to give us the warning three days prior." Arisu told Riku, both of his fists tensed on his side.

"Bold of them to pull a prank like this. This is not a bluff. Such event doesn't happen often. It's clearly a sign of retaliation. Tell me what time the intel said the ambush would be?" Riku stood from his swivel chair as he turned his back at Arisu and slightly sat on his desk.

"At 20:00, during the bid for the last piece."

Riku scoffed and nonchalantly tucked his left hand inside his pocket. "Whoever bids for that last piece, capture them. How dare they steal from me."

"I'll send more bodyguards and I've already informed them of the change of location of the event. If this is indeed an inside job, they should be able to sneak in." Arisu said in his firm voice.

"Send men but be discreet about them... and I'm only taking a few bodyguards with me."

"I'll be with you –"

Arisu couldn't finish his words when Riku interrupted, standing up on his feet and turned around to face his capo.

"You're in charge of the back operation. I'll take Yoshi, Kenji, and... Kei. I don't want everyone to see me with more than three bodyguards. Let's not alarm anyone." Riku's eyes slightly wavered at the mention of Kei's name.

Arisu firmly nodded his head in agreement. He slightly bowed before excusing himself out of Riku's office. When his head bodyguard closed the door, Riku sat on his chair again and towered his elbows on the armrest, leaning his head on the headrest. A sigh came out of him.

It had been peaceful since he came back from Germany aside from the regular stuff going on. He thought it was maybe because of how big of an event this bidding is that they couldn't even proceed as planned.

As being on the top of the pyramid, Riku knew that this privilege comes with imminent danger. Despite him working hard to be where they are right now, others will work harder to covet the throne. It's the reality of Riku he wished he could escape from. He never wanted to bear the weight of the crown. But being the only man in the family, he had to be in his position right now.


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