Chapter 3

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Despite his protest, Kei still rested for a week, afraid that Jiro might throw a fit at him again. So, even though he could've lost his part time in the restaurant, he somehow felt refreshed resting for an entire week. He couldn't feel any pain, but the exhaustion could sometimes hit him. Thankfully, the owner was nice enough to give him that break after his brother explained to him what happened. He even got praised at work when he came back because of what he did. Now, he's out for another delivery.

It's weekend and the streets buzzed with the busy cars on the road and the people swamping in almost every area of the big city especially the sun is setting. The night life in the city is very popular in tourists. Thankfully, his delivery was away from the center of the city and found himself driving out to the port side of Osaka. His map brought him to a huge modern building rising as high as the skyscrapers in the city. He parked his motorbike in front of the luxurious building and proceeded to the concierge for the delivery.

"Hi. Delivery from [Kaizen Shokudo]." Kei said to the receptionist of the fancy building.

He motioned his head to look around the interior while waiting for the lady making a quick call in their intercom and he could easily say it's one of the fanciest buildings he's ever been in; the chandeliers shone like they cost millions of yen, the fountain in the middle of the reception area also glamoured, not to mention the furniture that also boasted grandeur.

"Mr. Ogawa said you can proceed to the penthouse." she smiled and gestured to point where the elevator going to the penthouse is.

Excusing himself, Kei quietly walked to the elevator and waited for the lift. Although he had deliveries to some of the five-star hotels across Osaka city and its neighboring cities, it was his first time to deliver their dishes in such hotel or whatever building he is in right now. Not that he's belittling their restaurant. Hell, it's even famous on online food blogs. But to grace the luxurious place with his delivery bag somehow made him a little humble.

As the elevator pinged, hinting him that he reached the penthouse, his grip on his bag strap tightened. As expected, he was greeted by even fancier and sophisticated interior. The fragrance was definitely a scent of money and wealth. Before he lost himself from the glamour, he looked at the men in suits standing by the door going to the penthouse.

"Uhm, delivery for Mr. Ogawa." he informed.

He watched one of the guards pressed something on his left ear and softly spoke. He used to watch those little devices being shown in action movies, he couldn't believe he could see one that day.

After only under a minute of waiting, the guard asked him to go inside with him to deliver the food. Although he's a bit confused at how welcoming this Mr. Ogawa is with a mere delivery guy in his luxurious penthouse, he silently followed while he let his eyes be bathed with the elegant interior on his way in. They did a couple of turns in the corridors and Kei could swear, the penthouse alone could be as big as a mall. With a bit of exaggeration, he knew he would get lost if he's alone there.

They finally stopped in one of the rooms with a black modern door. The door had a very intrinsic pattern of a dragon or at least what it seems like to Kei. The guard escorting him knocked at the door and it opened from the inside. Kei was about to put his delivery bag on the floor when the guard gesture him to come inside.

So, this Mr. Ogawa wants him to personally put the dishes on his desk, Kei thought. Clueless, he came in and carefully put down the bag on the crystal table surrounded by an obviously expensive couch.

"A delivery for Mr. Ogawa." he silently announced.

He saw another man in suit standing near the office table in front of him, his hands together in front, and the high swivel chair faced its back on him. Kei mentally read the name on the plaque displayed on the desk.

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