Chapter 7

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After his first day of shooting, that was the last time he saw Riku that week. Kei's training ended over the weekend and even with his shooting still needs a little improvement, Arisu brought him the good news of passing the training. He was informed of Yui's university schedule to drive and pick her up every day, and basically some personal schedule she had planned in advance with friends. And just like that, Monday came as his first official day as Yui's personal bodyguard.

Kei prepared early to pick up Yui from the Kimura Mansion, an hour drive from the secluded luxury building he was staying in. Putting on a suit which was personally tailored for all bodyguards for the first time since the last time he wore on back when he was eight, Yoshi walked with him down to show him the car Riku gave Yui for him to drive. However, Arisu called for them to go straight down the main lobby, telling them Yui and Riku were already waiting.

Some bodyguards were lining up at the lobby and as soon as Kei and the others came out from the elevator, his eyes subtly widened seeing quite a formality. His gaze immediately caught Riku's who's also staring at him blankly. Beside him was Yui, face glistened with excitement seeing him approach their direction.

The suit emphasized Kei's physique and visual even more that it instantly caught Riku's attention despite him masking his expression.

"Sakai-san!" Yui exclaimed, flashing a timid and shy smile at Kei.

Her new bodyguard bowed his head in acknowledgement and then bowed his head at Riku's presence.

"I was told I need to pick you up from the mansion."

"Oh, I needed to see my brother, too, so I just came over here." the lady subtly elbowed her brother, hinting him to just play along, so the man beside her just shook his head in disbelief.

Riku had never seen his sister this interested to someone before. Seeing this side of her somehow put a smile on his face and unconsciously the upward curve on his lips remained the entire conversation.

"Whenever you're ready, Kimura-san."

"Oh, sure! We can go now." Yui responded then turned to her brother. "We'll get going, 'Nii-chan."

"Call me if you need anything."

Yui tiptoed and wrapped her arms around her brother's shoulder and whispered, "Thank you for getting Kei for me. You're the best!"

Riku's smile widened and gently patted his sister's back before pulling back, looking her straight in the eyes. "Anything for you."

Kei silently watched in amusement how Riku's aura softened whenever he's with his sister. He barely saw a short interaction from the two, but he could already tell that he's just like him. They both care a lot for their sibling and the fact that Jiro and Yui are only a few years apart, Kei could relate on Riku when it comes to this.

Kei opened the passenger door for Yui before getting inside the driver's seat. Yui rolled down the window and flashed her brother her sweet smile while waving goodbye. Kei just watched the lady from the rear-view mirror as he started the engine, and unconsciously, his eyes travelled to the side mirror and caught Riku's gaze on his reflection, watching them drove away from the building.

"Uhm... Sakai-san." Yui softly called out.

Kei looked at her through the rear-view mirror. "Yes, Kimura-san."

"Oh, just call me Yui when we're alone. I... I am not used to the formality," she chuckled.


"Can we grab some breakfast on our way?"

"Of course. Just let me know where you want to grab some food."

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