Chapter 5

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Kei almost break his neck from looking up at the familiar building he was standing at, trying to see the top of it. He only squinted his eyes from the harsh sunlight before bringing his head down along with his lungful exhale. Last time he was there, he was a delivery guy. Now, he is going to be a bodyguard for one of the Kimuras. With his medium black bag, he walked inside, and the receptionist instructed him to go to the fifth floor where Arisu was waiting.

When the elevator pinged open, Kei immediately saw Arisu not far from the entrance door of what looked like a normal hotel floor except of course that anywhere his eyes lay, it screamed expensive. It looked like a casino with all the round tables and chairs, there's the mini bar, and some doors he didn't even want to guess what for.

"Welcome, Sakai-san."

Kei bowed and greeted back, ignoring the pairs of eyes glaring at him.

"This is the floor for the bodyguards quarter."

Kei internally thanked that he mastered the art of faking his reaction and remained a stoic face, but he almost opened his mouth hearing that the floor he was standing in is just for the bodyguards. It looked so fancy.

"I will brief you with our general rules here, then show you your room. After that Yoshi and Kenji will give you a tour of the entire building. Your formal training will start tomorrow."

Two bodyguards in black suits approached them to which he guessed must be Yoshi and Kenji. He felt somehow relieved that they looked familiar from when he first met Riku in the penthouse because he saw them there, too.

And so, his day started.

After almost half a day of touring and settling his things in his new room, which thankfully he was roommate with Yoshi, Kei got the chance to look around their entire quarter. There were playrooms with the billiards, and even the kitchen where cooks prepare food for everyone.

Kei was bound to meet some jerks one way or another, but he didn't expect that he would have it on his first day. He was quietly sitting on the highchair of the mini bar, looking at the drinks when a group of three guards approached him with his smug faces.

"So, you're the new guy."

He really just wanted a quiet life. He's tired of bullies. He met every type of them in his life already, but maybe these will be new to him.

"Come with us."

Not wanting any commotion, he quietly followed them.

The next thing Kei knew, they were already getting off the elevator on the seventh floor which is one of the training floors in the building. Before he could even completely get inside, someone already kicked him from behind which made him almost stumble on the floor.

With frustration, Kei shut his eyes and heaved a sigh. Here they go, he thought. He tried to keep a straight face as he continued to walk forward and eventually faced them when they reached the open gym.

"We heard you don't feel any pain."

One of the guards said and they all laughed in the most obvious mocking way.

"Let's see how true it is."

"Is this a welcome party or what?" Kei answered in his most arrogant tone along with his smirk, challenging those three bodyguards.

He felt victorious when their faces immediately dropped and showed annoyance.

The one on his left hissed at his attitude. "This bastard!"

The middle guy, who seemed like their leader, tilted his head to signal the other two to come at him.

"Get him."

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