Part 1

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A/N: I cannot believe the day is here!!!! This is the first fic I've ever started writing and I'm so excited to finally share this story with you. I hope you enjoy it as much as I have writing it. I cannot wait to share the rest of it with all of you! 


After a year you'd think she was used to it, having developed an attachment to her handy blue clipboard over the twelve months she had been working at Focus Creeps, but that was just wishful thinking. Ella couldn't deny finding comfort in the routine of going to work and helping everyone at the production company achieve their best, even if it was just by getting a cup of dark coffee, no creamer and just two spoonfuls of sugar.

Focus Creeps was the brainchild of Ben Chappell and Aaron Brown, and being part of their crew was something she'd forever be grateful for. In the past year, she'd learned a lot more than she thought she could about production, directing and everything that goes behind different media productions like those fifteen second adverts one sees on tv while walking on the treadmill at the gym.

So far, there was a small variety of productions she had participated in as part of the crew: ads for Target or Mountain Dew, even a few for her favorite beer brand Budweiser, skits that ended up being ads for certain brands and some music videos for indie bands, which she ended up adding to her playlists afterwards.

With a smile she made her way through the door, saying "Good morning" to each of her coworkers. That day was yet another sunny day in Los Angeles—sunglasses perched on her nose were part of her usual attire. Despite it not being hot enough for it to be summer, the sun there was always deadly.

Echoes of greetings got to her ears while she set her stuff down at her desk. Immediately after she'd put her phone in the back pocket of her jeans and left her eyewear right by her family portrait, she turned on her heels and went straight to Aaron's office.

"Hey, Ella. How was the drive?" Aaron asked, giving her a small smile while he checked some list he had just printed out— it was a long one so she couldn't help thinking how tired she'd be after they wrapped up for the day.

"It was alright, very glad I didn't catch the traffic. Waking up twenty minutes earlier than usual really did the trick", knowing Los Angeles dreadful traffic for over a year now, Ella had made it a habit to wake up early, and though it was hard to be a morning person, she was proud to say she was never late and in a good mood despite it being well before eight in the morning.

Sometimes it was a hit or miss, that's why Aaron had given her the 20-minutes-earlier advice, the one she had put on practice that very morning and seemed to work like a charm, she had gotten there with half an hour to spare before everyone got to the office and ruckus begun.

"Lovely." He muttered while reaching for a highlighter behind him, "Today is going to be very busy, we have a music video to shoot," Ella celebrated on the inside, music videos were worth every bit of trouble and stress. It was so much fun to work with all the ideas everyone would throw around, added to the good music and everyone's good energy, it made the end result so much more fulfilling. "I'm just checking on some last things we need for today but I'd like you to go through this list and check if we have everything, please?"

"Of course, I'll have everything checked for you." She received the list with excitement but couldn't help but ask, "Who are we working with for this video?" Curiosity was seeping through her pores, and in her mind finding out a little bit about the artist they were going to work with was a bonus for the process of filming to feel more familiar and less awkward.

"Don't know if you've heard of them but it's this British band called Arctic Monkeys." Aaron took a sip of his coffee cup and raised his eyebrows to show that he actually approved of them and their art, "They are really good."

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