Part 11.5

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Make sure to read 11.4 first


Breana gasped, almost like in horror, "How are you still friends with him?!"

Flo let herself reminisce and the answer to that came pretty easily to her, "When you meet the right person, it's easy to forgive others."

It made Ella happy that Flo had found that person to be Matty and that they were happily married now, but she was drowning in curiosity so she ended up asking, "What did he do to you?"

"Well for starters, we lost it to each other back in college." Whatever Ella had expected was not that, but in retrospect it did make sense, "We were seventeen when it happened and right after that, it became us flirting. Until I had to go to Manchester for the summer—but we continued flirting over the phone. When I came back, all of our friends were meeting up at the park so I was excited to see him again, 'cause I really thought that what we had going on would only go further from then on."

Flo's pause and the regretful, "How wrong I was." she let out, had Breana and Ella dreading asking for more.

"Why?" Ella was the first one to let out this time.

"We had gone to another side of the park, alone, with the excuse of showing him the skateboard tricks I had learned throughout the summer I was gone. He almost kissed me, Ella. He fucking pulled me in by my necklace but right before we kiss, he lets go to take a step back and then this other girl from our class shows up, throws her arms around his neck and kisses him in front of me. Turns out they had been dating for a whole month by then."

Ella and Bre let their jaws drop and gasped out loud, "Fuck off."

Flo shook her head, brows furrowed at the memory, "My heart sank. I remember that feeling so vividly. And I just had to swallow my pride and be in their presence for the rest of the fucking night."

Breana asked, "What was the second time?" still intrigued over the fact that she'd said she had this done to her twice.

"They had me join the Favourite Worst Nightmare tour, and by this time Alex was single and we had again been flirting for a long while. I gave him another chance because he seemed to have changed and, after being cheated on by his girlfriend, I really thought he had. But apparently not."

Ella honestly said, "I'm scared to even ask." because she had a feeling it would be worse than she expected.

"We'd gotten very close during that tour and I mean very close. And then one day, we'd gone to buy some stuff over to the shops before the show and when we're back at the venue and get to the greenroom, there's Alexa."

"Alexa?" Ella asked, confused.

"Alexa Chung, his girlfriend at the time." Flo explained, a bit taken aback by the fact that Ella didn't know of her existence when she was pretty sure Alex had met Ella while they were together.

Bre let out an offended, "What the fuck?" Her face screwed up in utter anger for Flo.

The British girl clicked her tongue and rolled her eyes as she recalled, "They'd been dating for a while already, and the motherfucker hadn't said shit to any of the lads about it. They were all just as shocked as me."

"Did you leave?" Ella asked softly, treading carefully about the story just so she didn't intrude if there was stuff Flo wanted to keep to herself.

But Flo was long over it and she was willing to tell them anything they wanted to know, "Wanted to but the lads convinced me to stay. That was until I heard Alexa talking on the phone to a friend about this poem he had written to her, telling her he loved her and I felt sick. Left them that very night."

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