Part 14.2

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Make sure to read 14.1 first


A loud "Surprise!" was what Ella heard the second Alex opened the door of his flat and when she walked further inside while Alex got her bag for her, she smiled brightly seeing the rest of the band, the girls, Miles and the 1975 boys there.

"Oh my god! Hi!" Ella said loudly back, walking closer to them with a shocked expression still on her face, her hand on her chest like she was monitoring her heart beats. She hadn't been expecting to see them all together there at all, so she couldn't help asking, "What is this?!"

"Did you really think you were leaving without getting pissed with us one last time?" Flo stood up from her place beside her husband and caught Ella in a tight hug.

Ella giggled as she wrapped her arms around Florence and then playfully narrowed her eyes at everyone to say, "Oh you lot just wanna make me miss my flight."

To which Flo replied with a loud kiss on her cheek before she pulled away and shrugged, "Maybe."

The whole scene settled it for Ella, and despite feeling incredibly sad that she was leaving early the morning after, she was happy she got to share with them all one last time before they had to go back to their responsibilities.

When she had woken up that morning, Ella had been melancholic as she went about her day. She showered slowly and got ready for the day at the same pace, she enjoyed every step she took as she walked from her hotel over to the photolab to pick up her pictures and decided to not take any more pictures of London but instead take it all in with her own eyes. Lord knows she had enough pictures to remember the trip by and now she wanted to properly commit it all to just her memory.

She had checked out of the hotel once she got back and Alex had come to get her when she was ready. Alex had suggested she spent the last night over at his, so she didn't have to stress about checking out at the correct time or forgetting something when she had to rush to the airport. Plus it also gave him leverage to just not miss the chance of going with her so he could spend the most amount of time they could have together.

After they had left Ella's suitcase and her bags at Alex's flat, he had taken her out for brunch. It had been lovely, despite the long silences in between, and they had chatted about all about the time she had spent there. Of course, ignoring the mishaps here and there. They didn't want to waste time thinking back to moments they were upset and Alex didn't know if he could bring those moments up without wanting to spill it all out for her.

He was still trying to figure out the best way to do that, painfully aware of the time ticking.

Alex kept checking his phone when they left the restaurant, he had taken her to one rather far away from his so he could give everyone time to arrive at his flat. Florence had been the first one to get there, using her spare key to go in and her and Matty made sure to set everything up so it was ready when Ella got there.

By the time Ella and Alex were about ten minutes away from his, Flo had texted Alex saying everything was ready and they could come by, so Alex subtly picked up his pace and thankfully Ella didn't notice but followed along subconsciously.

Alex's flat was an open plan one, so Ella could see a good amount of drinks and mixers on the kitchen island along with crips and other snacks. They had moved Alex's settee and the loveseats further away so the high chairs could fit as well.

They all stood up from their places, taking turns to hug Ella. She had tried her best not to make her blushing too noticeable when George came around and clutched her tightly to his chest, whispering "Hi gorgeous," in her ear.

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