Part 11.1

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A/N: Genuinely cannot believe we're at this point of the story now, time flies!!!! I'm so ill right now but I couldn't not post because your reactions always make my day, though I feel like after this one y'all are gonna yell at me lollll I hope you enjoy this one, as much as you can enjoy it anyway... 


Ella had thought that when Alex told her the group wouldn't be together, it meant at night when they were supposed to set off to their arranged nights out, but turns out it meant they wouldn't be in each other's presence at all throughout the whole day.

Breana had gathered them all to start the day at a lovely little coffee shop in which they spent over an hour chatting and enjoying the time away from the lads. The excitement was growing as Kelly told them how everything was confirmed, done and ready for the wedding in two days and they honestly found that they could've spent the whole morning having tea and pastries if it wasn't for Bre telling them they had to be somewhere in the next thirty minutes.

That next place had been a spa, which looked more like a full resort inside. They checked in and were welcomed kindly into the place, and once in the locker room, the model had gone above and beyond, gifting everyone swimsuits so they could head for the swimming pool first.

The area was huge and beautiful, very minimalistic so their eyes hadn't much to focus on other than relishing in the peace and quiet of the place. There was a cascade of water coming from the ceiling which made the room drown in the sound of the water raining down on one side of the pool.

They stayed in the pool for a bit, until they were informed their rooms were ready for their massages. Off they went, rinsing themselves off under the shower before drying off and wrapping themselves in robes to go to their private rooms.

A heavenly hour passed and they met back in the steam room, which after the relaxing massage, felt even better on their tender muscles. Bre told them they were in for facials right after they felt like they were done in the steam room, and all of them feeling like they were about to fall asleep sat inside the crystal walls of the room only after fifteen minutes, decided to go on and get them done.

The facials were another hour and when they walked out of them, only five minutes after the other, the girls felt like they'd already had the best day.

Sitting down on the plush loveseats to get their nails done was the cherry on top, and they all chatted between themselves and the lovely ladies taking care of them about how they had found the whole experience.

Only when they changed back into their clothes and got their belongings out of the lockers, did they realize just how long they had been at the place. When they walked out, they were met with a stunning sky that looked like a painting and Ella didn't waste more than a second to capture it with her camera.

Another thing that had flown past their heads until they walked back into the city was that they hadn't had any food other than the sweets in the morning so with growing hunger they walked around for a place in which Kelly wanted to eat.

They ended up in a gorgeous Mediterranean restaurant in which, between food, drinks and many pictures taken by Ella, they spent almost three hours. So by the time they were out, and Florence texted Alex to make sure the lads weren't at Nick's, they all took a cab to get to the bassist and his fiance's house.

Bre left the main room where Kelly had started getting ready, surrounded by the rest of the girls to bring the stuff Matt had left for them. She had been so mysterious about it that the girls had been almost holding their breaths while waiting for her.

She came back with a big bag hidden behind her, and after lots of pleas from the girls to know what was inside, Bre let the contents fall over the bed.

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