Part 8.1

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A/N: The fact that we're now halfway done with this story is insane to me. Thank you once again for reading and leaving comments and just giving this story your time, it means so so so much to me. This is an exciting chapter so enjoy!!!!!!! 


Just like Alex had promised, he was over at Ella's house right after he'd left the studio—only he wasn't staying over like he did that first day.

He saw her lighten up more and more throughout the week and she told him she'd started feeling better so she'd definitely be coming back to the studio by Monday and that was the best news he'd heard.

The band had spent the week changing some details on 'Snap Out of It'. Alex had taken the opportunity that she wasn't there to change the things he'd been itching to but didn't want to in front of her.

He would usually come back at around six in the afternoon and stay until she was yawning. He'd drive back to his hotel room and sleep as peacefully as he could knowing he'd left her alright but alone nonetheless.

Alex hadn't wanted more than to stay with her all throughout that week but he understood that Ella also needed her privacy and he didn't want to intrude. The last thing he'd like is to burden her when there was so much going on around her already.

They had spent a second Valentine's day together but it was a stark contrast to how it had been the year before. It had been her worst day that one, falling to the heartbreak again and the memories—only Alex didn't know the memories of him had started burning in her head too and she'd been way too overwhelmed by it all.

It had been the day they'd smoked weed again or, well, she did for the most part as he watched her. Her eyes had been so red that day, mainly because of the tears. But on Friday she'd bounced back, like the day before hadn't happened and he did nothing but be in awe of her strength.

On Saturday, he'd gone to the studio quite early—it was the last day he could finish up everything he wanted on the song they'd been working on all week. It would be very nasty to do that in front of Ella so he'd just have to have it done by the end of the day.

Alex sent her a text right when he walked into the place, still missing seeing her there by the guitars on her usual spot in the settee.

(16/02/2013 08:52) Good morning, darling. Hope you aren't having too much fun without me. It's a lovely day today, maybe we should go out and get some ice cream? I'll be over around lunch time xx

She hadn't replied, but he didn't worry because she'd been sleeping in longer than usual and she needed the sleep.

The day rolled around and by one in the afternoon, when she wasn't replying back yet, he started to worry.

He and the lads had taken a small break that he'd used to call Ella, disguising it with the excuse of going for a smoke. No one really knew what had happened, only that the girl wasn't feeling her best and she needed a small break. Ella had cried to Alex when she'd gotten the first round of texts from the guys wishing her to get well soon the day after Alex had found her heartbroken.

Alex called and called, texted over and over but there was still no answer. He wanted nothing more than to jet off and fuck the song off but the guys were already very much enthusiastic over the changes they'd talked about and he couldn't just bin it all off because he wanted to leave, and he knew he wouldn't go back and work on it again.

He could easily say he had to go and see Ella but the round of questions after he'd gone back to the studio on Tuesday, wearing Ella's shirt—which they had noticed instantly wasn't his—, had already been too much and it wasn't his place to tell what had happened.

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