Part 8.4

346 17 31

Make sure to read 8.3 first


Alex stayed at hers and they drove together in Alex's car to the studio.

Thankfully the excitement of having Ella back had made the lads dismiss the fact that the two had arrived together. However, Alex could see the massive smirk on Dave's face when they got out of the vehicle and they were walking together up to the door where everyone was standing.

Ella hugged everyone, even the bearded man she didn't know who was standing next to Matt.

"Nice to meet you," Ella smiled at him before giving him a short hug. "I'm Ella."

"Zackery," The man said back, an American accent a bit different to hers, "Nice to meet you Ella."

Alex smiled wide seeing his good friend there, taking his sunglasses off his face and perching them on top of his head. "Zackery Michael! I missed you, man!"

"Alex Turner, my man." His American friend said before sharing a hug.

"How was Europe? You enjoy it?" The singer asked, patting Zack's arms before letting go and taking a step back.

"It was brilliant, now I'm just struggling with jet lag."

They all laughed at this, Ella's little chuckle made Alex turn around and properly set a context for her to know Zack.

"Darling, Zack here is also a photographer." Alex pointed excitedly, "She's brilliant, you should see her pictures." He told Zack this time.

Zack smiled at Ella, "It's always lovely to meet a fellow photographer. Do you shoot DSLR, film, medium format...?"

Ella returned the gesture, "Always shoot on film. Fell in love with it and have never let it go. Sometimes use digital but only if it's needed at work."

"Same here. But I prefer medium format, it's so beautiful but I think it's just because I'm obsessed with the look of my medium format cameras." He dropped, knowing that if she loved film then maybe medium format could also be something she enjoyed. "Helders you still shoot on film, don't you?" The American man remembered.

"Yeah mate. Do you wanna use my camera today?" Matt's Leica was sitting on top of the coffee table inside and he didn't mind his friend using it.

But Zack waved him off, "Nah, I brought multiple of mine and have lots of rolls so don't worry."

"You're staying all day?" Ella asked in a shy voice, "Mind if I pester you about medium format? Have always wanted to get into it but my school never had a camera for us to use."

Zack looked at her, happy about her actually wanting to learn something new. He loved being able to introduce people to photography or teaching photographers different things he had learned from experience. "I can teach you if you want, it's not that different from film actually. Gonna be taking pictures of them for the next few weeks."

His kindness made Ella smile brightly, "That sounds lovely, thank you."

And with that, everyone went inside. Alex brought the camera bag in for Ella and she thanked him when he set it in their usual studio room.

She was quick to set everything up, while James and the band did their thing and talked about what they had been brainstorming during the week she was out of town and they were off the studio.

Alex grabbed his guitar and sat on the spare rolling chair, Jamie mirroring his actions but taking a seat on the settee next to the mixing console. That's when the singer started playing this beautiful melody that he claimed to have been stuck on for the whole week.

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