Part 14.4

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Make sure to read 14.3 first


The game ended after that. Half of the group went back to the kitchen to get refills, Matty brought back a bottle of wine that Bre and Flo were drinking so that they didn't have to stand up constantly to get themselves some more, Alex put on some music in the background and with that, everyone fell into entertaining conversation.

Drinks flowed easily as their mouths ran along topics, laughter increased in volume the more alcohol was being ingested and smiles lingered on their faces longer under the influence.

It was when Bre very not subtly asked about Ella's date with George that Ella evaded the questions by standing up from her seat and actually bringing the pictures from their photoshoot so they could finally see how that had come out looking like.

Now these pictures were ones Ella proudly let the group look through, and she let the compliments about her frames rub at her ego a bit. She made sure to let them know which ones Bre had taken because they had turned out beautiful, and she didn't hold back singing her best friend her praises.

They had ended up teasing George when he took a bit longer to look at the pictures which were just of Ella, Matt saying how the drummer should keep some as souvenirs for himself when she was gone.

Ella had let him know he could keep the other ones for himself, the ones from the day they had spent together and when they heard that, they started joking about how if he got handed them again then he'd disappear for a bit to relieve himself. Or worse enough, he'd take Ella with him for a memory refresh.

"You lot are insufferable." Ella rolled her eyes as she drunkenly mumbled, changing the subject back to the prints everyone was looking at, "Ladies you can keep your pictures. I have all the scans so I'll send them for you to keep digitally as well."

The girls chose the pictures they wanted for themselves and gave Ella back the ones that were of her, assuming she wanted to keep them. She clumsily walked up to her bag again, putting the pictures away and bringing back with her the envelope that everyone knew contained the pictures with George.

Ella gave them to George, as promised, and he thanked her by pulling her in by the waist and leaving a kiss on her cheek. Bre screeched when she saw that unfold right next to her, and that only had Ella becoming more flustered.

She loopily smiled at him and patted the hand that was clutching her tightly, "You're welcome."

Florence wiggled her eyebrows at Ella as she poured the little left of the wine and set the empty bottle just as Ella sat beside her and when she did she nudged her as if to tease her further. Ella snorted out a laugh and told her to "Piss off." as she tried to hide her burning cheeks from the onlookers around the living room.

Whilst conversation carried on around her, Ella sat in silence just admiring the chaos surrounding her. She was going to miss this group of people so much, a knot was starting to form in her throat. And Alex noticed her change, the lack of her sweet laughter in the air whenever someone told a joke out of a story that had just been shared, the way she'd recoiled into herself and was almost hidden away in the corner of the loveseat just sipping on her drink.

"Alright, darling?" Alex whispered after he leaned in closer to her so she was the only one to hear.

Ella looked up at him, nodding, "Yeah. Just sad I'm leaving, s'all."

He cooed, grabbing ahold of her free hand and intertwining their fingers to bring the back of her hand to his lips and press a kiss on her skin.

The action did more for Ella that she could let on in front of everyone. She relaxed into his touch, his warmth bringing her peace and she was relishing in it as she continued to just be a spectator of the scene. Alex didn't let go of her hand, he rested their joint hands on the arm of the loveseat and continued rubbing circles with his thumb on the back of her hand.

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