Part 14.1

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A/N: Hi darlings!! I'm so excited to post this but I'm equally as gutted because this is the last part of Ella's UK trip :'( Our girl is going back to LA in no time, but first there's a fun little music video to be recorded hehehe. I hope you all enjoy this thoroughly, I'm so excited to see your reactions to this because it gets a little wild... Anyway, enjoy!!! xx


'Howl At The Moon' welcomed them warmly that Monday afternoon. The crew had gotten there around a quarter to five and even though the pub had allowed them to start their recording process at five, they had let them come into the place and settle as they told the few customers in there that a production would be taking place so they had to leave  shortly.

Some people asked the reason why they had to go and after being told that it was a video for a band—keeping it hush about it being for the Monkeys so it wouldn't bring unnecessary attention and halt the production—they decided to stay and be part of it as extras.

Thankfully, the extras they had actually hired through a casting process arrived just in time, merely ten minutes passed after the time agreed on and they were gathered in the middle of the pub and listening to Ella's instructions.

Ben had helped her place the extras around the pub and handing out the drinks that served as props for the video. The staff of the pub were being so lovely, Ella was thanking people left, right and center. It was always so nice to have people working so well with you whilst in the process of recording, everything flowed easier and it made it smoother to get the product desired without stressing about the littlest thing going wrong setting off everything else fucking up.

The band had arrived about fifteen minutes after the clock struck five, making chatter break out inside the pub as they got recognized. They were being dotted by their stylist though, so they couldn't be approached just yet as they got a slight hint of makeup put on and handed over jackets that would go along with their current aesthetic.

When the band was ready, Ella and Ben managed to get everyone's attention so that they could instruct everyone on what they were going to do now that they were going to start recording. They wanted a few shots of the band just chatting by the bar as everyone else did their own thing around them.

Tyler was playing with a few shots as practice, just trying to see which angle could capture the atmosphere better. Ella helped him prop himself by the pool table so they caught people walking around, drinking, playing pool and the band being the main attraction just drinking and talking by the bar.

Cameron was placing lights around the place, the best he could so that it would look good on camera, creating a better atmosphere through the screen. Margaret was fixing the mic's settings, testing it so she was sure she was capturing the noise around the place if it was needed to be used at any moment of the music video.

Ben had placed the band right in the middle of the bar, extras sitting beside them to crowd the shot up. They had given the lads some instructions, but they knew they just had to act like usual when they were hanging about in a pub. Alex had been given a prop phone, less technologically advanced compared to the iPhone he actually had, with a small touchscreen and an actual button keyboard. 

As expected, Ella had to explain to him how to use it because he seemed adamant on keeping his 'texting' as real as possible. That alone had taken about five minutes and it had the lads chuckling when Alex hesitated when Ella asked him if he had understood.

Lamie got to the pub just a few minutes before they were about to roll, Ben had Jamie and Nick aside telling them they were in charge of handing out the shots to Alex and Matt and referencing the best way for them to turn around so the camera could capture it, so Alex and Matt were the ones who got to greet her along with Ella.

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