Part 18.6

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Make sure to read 18.5 first


It only took a few minutes for Ella to be snatched away by the girls and Alex to be left to fend for himself with the lads. It seemed like after that show of pda, everyone had loads of questions and a separate interrogation for the both of them couldn't wait more than a few minutes.

Alex tried his best to answer the questions the guys were asking him but he was too distracted by watching Ella sitting on one of the pool chairs, surrounded by the girls, blushing and giggling and covering her face as they scooped everything out of her, question by question.

The faint sound of the doorbell was the perfect excuse for Alex to escape his nosy friends, so he excused himself in a split second to walk back inside and open the front door.

"You're here!" He greeted with a smile when he opened the door and found Alex standing there, "Hi!"

"Al! Hello!" Her tone was chipper as she greeted him. A whistle came from her when she took a look around his new place, she complimented, "This house is stunning."

"Ah thank you, thank you." Alex replied with a soft grin, waving her over to the left side of the room where the gorgeous kitchen was set, "Come in, there's drinks in the kitchen."

As Alexa walked in and approached the bottles set on the kitchen island, Alex couldn't stop himself from eagerly telling her that Ella was there and he was going to get her so she could meet her.

Alexa nodded excitedly, joking about him taking his time because she was indecisive and there were too many types of alcohol to choose from.

The singer wasted no time walking back outside and slowly approaching the group of girls. Leaning in behind Ella, he interrupted the conversation as he kissed her cheek and said, "Love?"

Ella smiled like an idiot and mumbled, "Sweetness?"

"There's someone I want you to meet." Alex said vaguely.

A spark of curiosity lit up inside her as she let out a soft, "Oh?" So it wasn't long that it took her to excuse herself and hold Alex's hand as he guided her back inside the house.

When they crossed the living room and walked past the edge of the kitchen, Ella was shocked to see Alexa standing in the kitchen.

The quiet, "Oh," that Ella let out made Alexa look up from her glass she'd just filled with white wine.

"Hi!" The model said excitedly, that bright smile of hers reaching her eyes as they crinkle around the edges in such an endearing way. "I'm Alexa, nice to finally meet you!"

Ella was breathless but she reciprocated the enthusiastic sentiment, "Hi! Nice to meet you too."

Alexa went for a quick hug that Ella welcomed and when the model pulled back, she gasped, "You're even prettier in person, bloody hell."

"Oh stop it." Ella blushed hard when Alexa said that. Ella had just been breathless over the fact that she was even more perfect in person, as if that was humanly possible. When seeing Ella struggle to find her words, Alex wrapped an arm around her waist and giggled, dropping a kiss on her cheek, bringing her back to reality with the feeling of his lips on her skin. Ella smiled and told Alexa, "I was about to say that about you."

"Ah, you're too kind." Alexa said like she didn't hear that on the daily, waving Ella off jokingly. The model smirked then, seeing Alex's hold on Ella's waist, taking it as a sign that it had finally happened, "So... he finally told you?"

Ella giggled pathetically, melting into his chest and nodded, "He did, yeah."

Alexa cooed, placing her hands over her heart, "You two look adorable together. So happy for you guys."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2023 ⏰

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