Part 2.1

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A/N: Hello!! I'm still pinching myself over the fact that I'm posting this story now lol, it doesn't quite feel real you're all getting to read it now.   I remember so clearly how giddy I was writing this chapter back in April  2022 and reading it back again makes me so nostalgic for some reason. Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy! x 


One thing she wasn't expecting to hear from Aaron today was that they would be filming another music video. But it wasn't the fact that it was a music video, it was whose music video they were filming.

Arctic Monkeys were back. And Focus Creeps were producing their new music video. Again.

After filming 'Brick by Brick', she had started listening to them religiously, and that was a fact she would keep quiet now that she knew she was going to see the band again. Their latest single, 'Don't Sit Down Cause I've Moved Your Chair', was so good—she listened to it at least twice on any drive she made.

Another list was handed over by Aaron, this time with days of anticipation and not as long as the first one. She'd just need to make some calls to a couple of models to see who could make it to the shoot and just make sure the costume design department was ready to work with the model once they managed to get her.

Their job shouldn't be too hard as all the girls that were written down as an option had similar measurements, if anything they'd just have to do a little cinching at the waist or shorten the sleeves of the black bodysuit she'd have to wear.

After multiple calls, they finally had a model. Scarlett would be their hellcat and she'd be coming in for fittings later in the day. With that news and everything else checked out, she made her way over to Aaron's office.

"We have our girl: Scarlett Kapella. She'll be coming by at eleven for her fittings and the makeup rehearsal, everything else I've checked out twice and if anything comes up I'll just let you or Ben know." The director received the now crossed out and annotated list with a nod and a smile.

"Great, after the fittings and all that, please have the costume design department bring me the pictures to show the clients." Aaron tapped his hands on the table and then put the list to the side.

With a smile she said, "Of course, I'll call Margaret to let her know."

"Thanks Ella." Aaron said and continued to do whatever he was doing on his computer.

With a nod she left the office, making her way to her desk and gave Margaret, the costume designer department manager, a quick call about Aaron's wishes after the fittings.

As Ella went through her emails, she found herself pondering how this time would be, surely she didn't really know what the plan for the video was other than the model being filmed at the venue they were playing at and catching some of the gig on camera, but she kept wondering what it would be like to hang around them for a second time.

Thinking back to when they were filming their music video always brought a smile to her face because it had been just one of those experiences that get stuck in your mind. And that memory was just as stuck in her mind as they way she had felt talking to them, even if it had been brief, they were so friendly that they'd made her feel incredibly at ease from the very second they spoke to her.

Not to mention the way she had felt under Alex's gaze and attention. It was weird really, she couldn't quite put her finger on it and she felt the slightest bit pathetic when she got nervous thinking about seeing Alex again.

Realizing she had been typing an email reply that made absolutely no sense, she forced herself to focus on work and leave the questions for another day, specifically for the day the band was supposed to be in town. You can focus for three more days, right?

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