Part 18.3

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Make sure to read 18.2 first


Staring at each other adoringly, a minute or two passed. He twirled a strand of her hair slowly with his fingers, counting each freckle on her skin and taking in every bit of her in this new setting.

"How long have you been holding that back?" He asked curiously, wanting to know how long she'd been agonizingly waiting to let all those words out. His chest hurt when remembering her mentioning the pictures paparazzis had taken of him and Alexa and how she'd implied him going for Alexa just like he'd gone for Arielle two years before.

Ella genuinely asked back, "Wanting to fuck you?"

"No, you dickhead." Alex replied with a cackle, his giggles falling right behind his words, making her giggle along until he could clarify, "Wanting to tell me you love me."

"I was in denial for a while." Ella admitted easily. There was no reason to not be entirely transparent with him anymore and she hoped he felt the same way as she continued, "But as soon as I saw you leave that morning... I was just entirely sure about it the second I woke up."

He frowned, "Why didn't you say anything?"

She scoffed softly when just considering how that would've happened, "Tell you that over the phone? No chance." She was so glad it hadn't been that way, because having him close after having told him everything felt so right and she knew she would've cried when he reciprocated and she couldn't have him beside her right then and there.

Alex hummed, knowing what she meant, "I reckon if you'd told me when I was away, I would've cried not being able to kiss you right then and there."

"Exactly." Ella said, slightly wide eyes at the way it just felt like he'd read her mind. But before she could forget, she asked him, "Why didn't you say anything?"

With an embarrassed smile on his face, Alex shyly replied, "I was afraid you wouldn't feel the same."

She sighed, smiling at their own foolishness. Both of them were concerned about the same thing and instead of speaking about it, they kept it to themselves in fear of rejection as if their actions didn't speak louder than their hushed words. "We're such idiots."

"We are." Alex agreed with a grin on his face, leaning in until their noses brushed and giving her a eskimo kiss before slotting his lips between hers.

Her fingers delicately held his jaw as they kissed slowly, all that hunger had simmered down and turned into tenderness, wanting to feel each other as close as they could like becoming one was possible. There was no rush, the only priority was taking in every second their lips moved together, tasting each other's tongues with patience and trying to translate their love into it.

"How long has it been for you?" Ella asked softly when she pulled away after a minute of slowly kissing, her thumb rubbing circles on his jaw.

Alex smirked when he knew what he could say about the very second he realized how he felt for Ella, "You wanna know who was there when I realized it all?"

Her curiosity was piqued by the weird approach of his answer, "Who?"

The last thing Ella was waiting for him to say was, "Alexa."

A quick, "No." in disbelief left her lips, Ella's cheeks heating up at the fact that she'd been horrendously affected by her presence beside Alex on a picture when Alexa had been there the time Alex came to the conclusion that he was in love with her.

"Yes." Alex continued smirking as he said, eager to see her reaction when he'd tell her just how it had happened. "Remember how we were on the phone at the wedding and she came by for a smoke?" Ella nodded, remembering that exact moment way too well for her liking, "You hung up and she just asked who you were. And once she asked, I couldn't stop talking about you. She just listened and kept teasing me about it. I was gonna leave but then she asked why I hadn't made a move, said something like 'you really like her, don't you?' and it dawned on me; how I just couldn't say I liked you because it wasn't enough."

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