Part 4.2

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Make sure to read 4.1 first


There was only one thing she was grateful for in regards to what her past self had decided to do, and that was to force the alcohol she had ingested out of her system before going to sleep. That was one thing she'd forever swear by and it never failed her.

When Ella opened her eyes, her head was pounding but she didn't feel the urge to projectile vomit everywhere so that was a good sign. Her phone showed her it was past noon and she groaned at the ache on her back. Maybe being a rockstar wasn't worth the back pain after all.

She slowly got out of the narrow bed, grabbing her shoes from beside Alex's boots and on her tippy toes she went out into the main lounge. Nick was sitting there, with his head in between his hands. She softly laughed, "Good morning, sunshine."

"Morning Ella." The bassist replied painfully.

She went over to her backpack, taking her toothbrush and toothpaste out along with the ibuprofen bottle her coworker had lent her and she'd forgotten to give back. "Would you like some painkillers and water?"


She couldn't hold back her chuckle, but walked up to him and placed two pills in front of him to then retrieve a water bottle from the fridge. "There you go."

Nick looked up at her with a weak smile, "Thanks Ellie." He took the medicine and drank the water as quickly as he could.

In return he reminded her where the bathroom was and she got ready for the day in about fifteen minutes. She had been relieved from getting out of the shorts she'd been wearing, nothing was worse than sleeping with denim on.

When she came back out into the lounge she was met with Jamie and Alex. She blushed when she saw the singer, her state not being enough for her to forget what had almost happened only hours before.

"Morning." The three of them said at the same time, smiling at each other.

"We pinched some pills from you, hope you don't mind." informed Jamie and she shrugged it off to ease his mind.

"It's alright. I'm gonna be pestering you all later with the camera when we're out, so consider it my gift in return." Ella replied while she dropped her backpack in a corner of the lounge area. "So, what's the plan for today?"

Alex pointed behind his back towards the bunks with a playful smirk, "Once the lovebirds wake up, I reckon we should go get something to eat and then keep on walking around like yesterday."

She nodded and an excited grin broke out on her face, "I'm taking lots of pictures today so get pretty for me."

Nick groaned from the same spot she'd found him at, "How do you have so much energy? You were the drunkest one out of all of us."

Ella chuckled, sitting next to him and patting his back in comfort, "I have my tricks." That earned her another groan from the bassist as he let his forehead rest on the table, which resulted in everyone else laughing lightly.

Almost thirty minutes later, which they had spent in light conversation, Matt and Breana came into the room. They looked ready to go, both of them wearing black sunglasses and it made her laugh because she knew Matt would be easier to annoy if he was hungover.

"Well good morning to you two." Jamie smirked at them.

Matt held up his index finger in front of his face and shushed him, "Cook, don't. It's too early for this shit."

Ella decided to ignore his warning and asked suggestively, "Had a good night?"

Matt gave her a fake smile, "Amazing thanks to you and your frozen daiquiris, Ellie." Sarcasm was so clear in his voice, it just made Ella smile more from amusement.

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