Part 14.5

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Make sure to read 14.4 first


Silence was incredibly loud outside, Miles going to the lengths of actually turning the music way down until it was almost silent so that they could pry anything that could be heard through the door or the walls.

But Alex was being quite soft when he asked, "Are you having fun?" like he was scared of sound shattering the invisible glass that surrounded them in the moment.

"Of course I am!" Ella was a bit drunker than him so she struggled as she whisper-shouted. She giggled when Alex's eye went wide at her slightly louder volume compared to his and she lowered her voice down to confess, "Wasn't expecting this."

The singer smiled sweetly at her and in his hazy mind, he needed to make sure once more "D'you like it?"

Her enthusiastic nods made him melt inside, "I do. I'm gonna miss y'all so much." She wrapped her arms around his shoulder to hug him, it was a slightly awkward hug since they were sitting on the edge of the bed next to each other so she turned a bit to the right so she could pull him closer properly.

"I know. M'gonna miss you too." He whispered in her ear, drowning in her scent which made him dizzier, "Loads."

Ella's mind went back to a minute prior so she pulled back to see him as she turned the question onto him, "Are you having fun? You were frowning outside."

Alex didn't fully lie when he replied, "Just don't want to see you go, that's it." because that was also what was bothering him, but she didn't need to know it was because of George and her and how clear it was that something had happened in the very room they were currently in.

"I'll try to come visit again soon." Ella promised with a soft pout on her face, "After tour maybe."

"Would you?" Alex asked elated, a sparkle in his eye at the sheer possibility of having her there again soon—not really that soon but at least it wasn't an uncertain space in time.

She nodded, entirely convinced about it, "Of course, I just need to check my schedule."

Alex chuckled at the way she said it, and played onto it by nodding, "Right, busy girl."

"I am though!" She snorted at his sarcastic remark, "Director now, remember?"

He hummed before he pulled her into his chest, "Yeah, I'm so proud of you."

A kiss was left on the top of her head as she wholeheartedly replied, "Thank you, sweets."

Her face was pressed to his chest, her arms wrapped around his waist and a comfortable silence enveloped them, preserving that warmth between them. They were relishing in the feeling until Ella's thoughts managed their way out past her lips, "I'm gonna miss seeing you every day."

And it wasn't at all a struggle for Alex to agree, "Yeah, me too. But we can video call." He was so fucking glad for technology—that he could barely manage—for making it possible to keep in contact.

"You promise you will when you're free?" Ella pulled back a bit so she could look into his eyes.

"I promise, darling." Alex confirmed, drinking in the never ending beauty of her hazel green eyes.

Ella tilted her head to the side and scrunched her nose as in distaste when she remembered he was a busy guy so she probably wouldn't be able to just go around calling him whenever she wanted so she brought up another request, "I don't want to interrupt you so you'll have to call me okay?"

Alex shook his head at her, chuckling at her train of thought and turning it around to her, "And what if I interrupt?"

She waved his worries off in a heartbeat, "It wouldn't be anything special. It could be just a scene I can record again, whereas I can't interrupt an interview, can I?"

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