Part 8.5

375 15 27

Make sure to read 8.4 first


Alex thought, What better way to get the point across if not poetry?

So that's what he did the day both of them had gotten to the studio early and they were waiting for the rest to arrive as they ate their McDonalds breakfast he had bought on his way over.

He pulled out a printed copy of John Cooper Clarke's poem 'I Wanna Be Yours', resting it on the coffee table in front of them.

"Ever since I got back I've been thinking about this poem," He pointed out while she read, "I felt like it could make a lovely song, so I went and got in contact with John and I got his permission to do it."

"Shut up!" Ella looked at him excitedly, going back to finish reading right after, "This is so romantic, how did you find it?"

"Actually way back in the day. I was over at my best friend's house in Sheffield and she had it printed there. It's her favorite and, erm," The singer cleared his throat, smiling at the memory of that night, "I kind of forgot about it until I came back. It just came back up to the forefront of my mind." He said like it was just a random coincidence and not like it was the thought of Ella that had led him to think about the poem.

"Well, you're amazing so I'm sure Mr. Cooper Clarke will love the end result. Your best friend too, she has good literary taste." Ella assured him, giving him a sweet smile and going over the poem again.

Alex chuckled, "You're far too kind to me, darling. And you know, she would love you just because you've said that."

Ella was about to ask more about her but she was rudely interrupted by the loudest of the bunch arriving at the studio.

"Good morning!" Matt sang from the hallway and he kept the note going, flat but going, until he got into their room, "What– You got Maccies breakfast?!"

Ella was glad Alex had gotten everyone something, or else the drummer would've been insufferable all day.

The next few weeks had been centered on 'I Wanna Be Yours', all because they wanted it to be absolutely perfect. And when that one was sent off to master, they went over a few Alex had been writing for the past few weeks.

Since Miles had commented that to him, Alex had subtly started hinting things to her and it only had gotten better when they started sending songs to each other. Subliminal messages hidden behind the lyrics to many songs they'd send each other.

(27/04/2013 20:10) -Country Girl by Black Sabbath- I could put money on this being your favorite Sabbath song.

(27/04/2013 20:12) I wonder what makes you think that.

(27/04/2013 20:12) Just a gut feeling I would say x

(27/04/2013 20:13) Hahaha it's a close guess but no. The lyrics from that one are very factual though.

(27/04/2013 20:13) I would have to see about that xx

(27/04/2013 20:13) What, so you're gonna go get yourself a country girl? x

(27/04/2013 20:14) Might have to now, just to know if Dio was telling the truth x

(27/04/2013 20:14) Be wary of that last verse, I assure you we can get vicious ;)


(02/05/2013 23:29) -I Know by Fiona Apple- I got so emotionally attached to this song last year, I've just stumbled into it again and bloody hell, can we talk about how amazing Fiona is? This is my favorite record of hers.

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