Part 14.3

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Make sure to read 14.2 first


"Alex, choose someone before they actually fight." Jamie pointed out, knowing full well that could happen and, even though that would be hilarious to watch, they wanted the evening to go well.

The singer nodded and panickedly ended up calling, "Erm, Adam." It took him a few seconds but the best Alex could come up with was, "What's the weirdest thing you own?"

He was expecting the question to earn a really boring answer honestly, but they were all surprised when Adam had a hard time answering for very different reasons.

"Oh, erm..." Adam managed out as his face reddened and that didn't go unnoticed. Suddenly everyone was interested in knowing because this reaction to such a simple question was rare.

Matty chuckled as he pointed out, "Oh this is good, he's gone all red."

"Any kinks you've been hiding Hann?" George teased him with a smirk, wiggling his eyebrows at the guitarist.

Adam glared at him, "Piss off." but kept silent afterwards.

So Ross reminded him, "You gotta answer mate."

And everyone was expecting more silence for a bit longer until he got the courage to say, but Adam ended up blurting the answer out and hearing, "A fucking dick chastity cage." wasn't something people were expecting.

"What?!" Florence gasped out loud, not expecting her cousin to be into that at all.

"Fucking hell Hann!" George cursed loudly as he coughed on the beer he had choked on.

The looks of shock around the room made Adam feel the need to clarify, "I didn't buy it for myself, my girlfriend bought it so we could try it."

"And?" Nick asked curiously, leaning into his knees to watch the guitarist's face.

"And what?" Adam asked rather defensively.

His tone made Nick chuckle lightly as he corrected his question, "Did you enjoy it?"

It was like everyone was holding their breath as they waited for the answer and the group broke in hollers when Adam hung his head and truthfully replied with a quiet, "... Yeah."

"Oh my god!" Flo yelled, bringing both of her hands to slap over her wide open mouth, which made everyone laughed louder.

George's laugh was so contagious and so was Matty's, who struggled to get his words out in between cackles, "I will never let you live this down Hann, hope you know that."

"None of us." Ross nodded, lifting his beer bottle up like he was doing a cheers to Hann's new confession. "Next time we're at yours, we're fucking looking for it." The bassist added in a clear threat.

That made Adam lift his head up quickly and narrow his eyes at the bearded lad, "No, you are not."

"We so are, mate." Ross smirked mischievously, already planning how and when they could pull that off.

There wasn't a way Adam could shut him up other than use something he had against the bassist so he took advantage of the situation and called out for, "Ross." with a look on his face like he was seeking revenge, "Have you ever lied to get out of a date?"

Ross loudly scoffed and that was enough for the group to quiet down, everyone's curiosity sparking inside them, "This isn't fair, you know I have. You just want me to tell the story and make me look like a dickhead."

"Well you did it, so you are a dickhead." Adam shrugged nonchalantly, fully pleased with himself that it had been enough to get him to shut up and turn it onto him.

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