Part 12.2

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Make sure to read 12.1 first


"Oi!" Flo shouted as soon as she caught sight of him once she walked through the doors of the pub.

She didn't give a flying fuck that everyone had turned to look at her. Since she'd gotten off the phone with Ella, she couldn't sit still next to Matty, she just kept ranting and pacing and she thought the person she was actually annoyed at deserved to hear it more than her husband did.

The Monkeys turned their attention to Flo at the same time everyone else did. Alex deflated as soon as he saw her and the rest of the lads either hold a laugh or cringe feeling her wrath already.

"Oh you're in trouble." Matt half whispered to his mate as she stalked over to them before he took a long drink. Breana was smirking beside him, entirely pleased with the prospect of what was about to happen.

Before Alex could say anything, Flo got to their table and stopped right beside him and demanded, "Get the fuck up."

"Angel, can we not?" Alex looked down and sighed.

He knew what it would be about and he felt bad enough as it was. He didn't need the lecture from Flo too when she was just going to tell him everything he already knew.

"Get the fuck up now before I drag you out of here. You pathetic excuse of a man." Her voice was like venom, absolutely seething, and it cut him deep.

His defenses were still up after the argument he'd had an hour ago though. So he just shook his head and grabbed his glass saying, "I'm finishing my pint."

Seeing him drink a few mouthfuls of the mostly full beer pissed her off even more. So instead of him getting his way, Flo pushed his hand up that he was holding his glass with and watched as most of it spilled all down him, soaking him and the table through.

"There," Flo said, pleased with his shocked and fuming expression. "It's finished. Get up now."

"What the fuck Florence!" Alex shouted, completely in shock at what she had just done, "Was that necessary?"

"I think you deserve a lot worse." She nodded, her dead eyed stare at him struck fear into the other Monkeys and they weren't even the target of it. "Get your jacket and stand the fuck up."

If the other Monkeys didn't know any better they would have laughed at the scene that had just taken place in front of them. But they knew what Flo's wrath felt like as they'd seen it many times before years ago.

It was almost a whiplash for them when she turned to the rest of them and smiled as Alex got up and grabbed his jacket like you instructed, "Was lovely to see you boys. Ladies, I'll see you tomorrow." All of them were smiling at her, knowing that meant she had spoken with Ella and she was now taking justice in her own hands. "I hope married life is treating you well, Nick and Kelly."

"Thanks Flo." The newlyweds smiled at her, and once seeing Alex annoyed and ready to leave Nick nodded, "See you soon."

"See ya'," Flo smiled politely, but that fell and her face went hard again when she turned back to Alex. "Start walking. You know what my car looks like."

She gestured for him to go ahead of her and at that point he knew it was an instruction so he just followed it. After he started walking she smiled one final, "Bye." to the group at the table before she followed the dickhead that was Alex Turner, outside.


Alex was fuming in the passenger seat of Flo's car and she could feel his rage. But she was past the point of caring, letting him stew in his anger and his soggy clothes.

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