Part 12.5

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Make sure to read 12.4 first


The night had ended with Ella's legs thrown over his lap as she properly hugged him and told him just how proud she was of him. His heart grew in size in his chest because he'd heard those words so many times before yet it felt so much different when it came from her.

After she'd managed to calm down, Alex had encouraged her to go upstairs and get some rest, to which she nodded and agreed. She'd asked him to show her where the bathroom was first since she wanted to take a shower before going to bed. And once she was out, changed into the comfy clothes she'd brought just in case, he guided her to the guest room.

It had been slightly awkward saying good night, watching him walk away when all she wanted was to ask him to stay with her but she couldn't.

She tossed and turned in the full sized bed for most of the night, feeling the unfamiliar walls like eyes on her and every minute passing by.

It had been a surprise when she had opened her eyes and seen it was light outside, her phone telling her it was half past seven in the morning. Ella was at least grateful that she'd managed to get a bit over four straight hours of sleep, which she knew because the last time she remembered looking at the clock, it was three in the morning.

The good thing about her having woken up so early was that she was ready and heading downstairs just in time for her and Alex to head to Manchester at the best time.

Penny had insisted that they had breakfast with them before going and Ella had been about to accept, but Alex had been adamant on leaving as soon as possible so that they could enjoy Manchester as much as they could and they could head back to London early so Ella could be in the city on time for Saturday.

David had let his curiosity get the best of him and he asked Ella what she had planned for Saturday but Alex came to her aid when he saw her panic a little while trying to get an answer.

Seeing her react like that to a simple question had him slightly wary about what it was that she was doing Saturday but he wouldn't ask. For his own sake. He had a gut feeling the answer wouldn't make him very happy.

After saying goodbye to Alex's parents, they were off on the road. Not without making a stop at Mcdonald's so they could get some breakfast and eat on the way there.

It was only an hour from High Green to Manchester so they felt their conversation and singalong ran short when they got to Piccadilly plaza to park Alex's car.

The first impression Ella had of Manchester is that it was busy and windy, but oh so beautiful. It was weird seeing Manchester signs and it being a maze of buildings, not acres and acres of land sprinkled with stables and farms. She fucking loved it though.

She shivered while they walked despite having a wool trench coat on, the chilly weather managing its way through her clothes and having her hug herself to try and stay warm.

"It's too cold up here for a southern girl, isn't it?" He played with his words as he reached out to bring her closer to him.

She was thankful for the ease she had to blush for the first time in her life then, for her cheeks growing hot at his teasing felt nicely against the cold wind.

With a roll of her eyes, she let him pull her into him but her arms stayed around her body. It wasn't only because she was cold but she was well aware of the flirtatiousness in his voice and she had to be the one to set boundaries for their own sake.

"I'll remind you I've been living in California for far too long now." She excused herself factually.

Her body was tense but he attributed it to the cold rather than her not wanting his touch on her. Yet the one thing that he didn't miss was how she'd failed to smile at his antics, creating a distance between them with just her silence.

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