Part 11.2

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Make sure to read 11.1 first


The next morning, Ella had actually managed to wake up at the sound of her first alarm. Mostly because she had been half awake all night worried about sleeping through them.

It had been good though, because she had enough time to get ready and not rush. The updo had been hard enough for her and she thanked everything out there she had a bit over an hour until Alex would come get her. Once she had deemed the hairdo decent enough, she did her makeup with a bit more intent than she usually would when she went out and it turned out better than she expected.

By the time Alex had called her to say he was on his way, she was putting her heels on and she told him she'd be waiting for him at the lobby.

She'd been texting Breana when Alex walked through the main doors, and since no one else was there other than the staff behind the desk and those running around the place, his eyes fell instantly on Ella. Perched on a loveseat with a small case by her feet and her shoulders shaking as if she was giggling quietly.

In the silence of the morning, Ella had been able to catch the thud of Alex's steps against the marble floors so she locked her phone and turned around as he walked up to her and stood up from her place.

She smiled brightly at him and threw her arms around his neck to hug him, his arms going around her waist and holding her tightly towards him. He couldn't help but let his fingers trail upwards and feel the soft skin of her back, Ella had felt warmth erupting under his touch and rushing to every bit of her body.

Slowly, he let go of her but made sure to get ahold of her right hand, thumb rubbing circles over her Pure Desire tattoo as he took a short step back to look her up and down, "You look absolutely stunning darling."

Her hair was up in a low bun with some strands of hair on the front, framing her face and loosely curled, her makeup was beautiful and the brown subtly shimmery eyeshadow was making her hazel green eyes pop even more than usual. Her lips tinted with a mauve lipstick which made them look full and plump. The dress looked unreal on her, just like it had the day she tried it on but seeing her fully ready made her look out of this world.

"Why, thank you sweets." She blushed a little under his attentive gaze, "You don't look too bad yourself."

He didn't look bad at all. The blue suit was the exact shade as her dress and the white button up he had under the blazer wasn't fully done so she could see his chest and a thin gold chain around his neck.

He was wearing sunglasses, his usual aviators that looked so good on him. They were propped up on his head, his hair looked to be left natural without any gel on it which made her grin get bigger.

Alex scoffed like what she'd said was a bad joke, "Definitely do next to you."

Rolling her eyes playfully, she muttered, "Oh shut it, you don't at all." before letting go of his hand to link her arm through his. He crouched down slightly to grab her case so they could go, it was light so it wasn't a struggle at all yet she still said, "Thank you sweetness."

They started walking towards the doors, but Alex couldn't stop taking glances at her rather than looking in front of him, "You look truly gorgeous Ellie."

Ella gave him a sweet smile, he could see her trying not to recoil into herself, "Thank you Al." So she got his attention away from her and into the situation, "Let's go before it gets too late."

The cold air hit them as soon as they walked through the door, goosebumps erupting on her skin. "We have time." Alex said as he unhooked his arm through hers and wrapped it around her lower back to shield her from the cool wind.

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