Part 8.2

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Make sure to read 8.1 first


That Monday in which she'd come back to the studio had been filled with Alex glaring at the lads so they didn't pester Ella with questions, but that of course had only worked for so long.

Matt hadn't been able to keep his tongue bitten for any longer. He, along with Nick and Jamie, saw the way she was acting now that she was back and how it was a stark contrast to the way she'd been since they'd seen her when they came back to LA in August.

She was quiet, her eyes seemed to get lost staring at nothing at random times throughout the day, her laugh was shy and it struggled to fall from her lips.

The guys had tried so many times to make her laugh but not even embarrassing Matt was working on getting her to snort or throw her head back in a loud cackle.

They had already managed to conclude she hadn't been sick, something else had to have happened. It was like they had switched Ella for someone else, not even the Ella they'd met in 2011 had been that recoiled.

"Ellie, what's wrong? Is everything okay?" Matt sat beside her on the settee, genuine worry written on his face which managed to get her out of the trance she'd been in. He knew then that Breana hadn't told him the truth that day.

Her gaze went from the drummer to Jamie and Nick who were sitting on the adjacent settee also watching her with a worried expression. Their worried faces were tugging at her heartstrings. Ella sighed and looked at Alex with a sad frown. The singer smiled at her softly, trying to tell her with his eyes that it was okay if she lied her way out of the situation, but she decided to just get it over with.

Ripping the bandaid off in one quick tug.

"Julian and I broke up." It was a simple statement, said slowly like she was dipping her toes in the water, trying to check if she was ready to jump back into the lake of hurt that was assured when she thought back to it all.

Instantly, they all frowned hard. It was such a sudden turn of events that they had definitely not seen coming.

It wasn't even like they wanted an explanation but it was the shock that had Nick saying, "Why?"

She didn't blame them, not at all, but how she wanted to not have heard that question because it was one that haunted her every second of the day.

"He cheated on me."

It surprised her seeing how they'd all frozen at the same time and then, beside her, watch Matt fill with burning anger.

"What the fuck?" The drummer asked heavily, grabbing Ella's hand and squeezing it to comfort her. "What the fuck did he do...?"

Alex sighed, he didn't want her to relive it all, it was the last thing she needed so he scorned him by saying, "Matt." sternly.

But Ella shook her head and gave Alex a tight lip smile, "It's fine," she turned to the guys, biting the inside of her cheek. "He'd been cheating on me for a while and when his parents caught him, they called to tell me. He hadn't wanted to tell me himself." She cleared her throat, feeling herself starting to get choked up. "Broke up with him that same night."

Jamie's face had gotten red from the anger, "I'll kill him." He hissed through his teeth and that had Ella smiling in amusement.

"It's okay." She assured, like it wasn't still killing her inside.

Matt dropped her hand to envelope her in a hug which she accepted without complaint, "No it's not. I'm so sorry he did that to you."

She felt Nick holding her hand and rubbing his thumb over it, "I truly don't mind burying a body." His mission of trying to get her to laugh worked, she let out a giggle and shook her head lightly.

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