Part 11.4

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Make sure to read 11.3 first


The rest of the shower was incredibly quick since she realized she couldn't stay alone with her thoughts for longer, so she dried herself quickly and ran to get ready. Thanking herself for putting an outfit together before coming to the wedding so she only got changed into it and ran back to dry her hair with the hair dryer. She'd only used some concealer to hide her dark circles and a bit of mascara, hoping she looked less dead than she had when she woke up.

It was a joke how the second she tripled checked she had her keys in her pocket and closed the door behind her, Alex also appeared in the hallway.

They made a silent walk to the lift, the tension and awkwardness suffocating them the more time passed.

Inside the lift, the quiet continued except for the elevator music which was making it even more painful. That deafening silence walked with them until they got to the room where breakfast was being held and, once seeing there were only two seats left next to each other, Alex ironically muttered, "Brilliant."

Ella had been faking a smile since they walked through the door, but it faltered completely when she heard him say that. Her heart sank all the way down, and there was that feeling of wanting to cry again.

"Hi everyone. Good morning." She greeted the long table, waving to everyone with a tight lip smile. Her voice had sounded choked, earning a frown from Breana, which Ella ignored.

"Y'alright?" Matt asked with a hint of a smirk on his face.

She wasn't in the mood to participate in Matt's taunting though so she sighed heavily and said, "My head's killing me." It wasn't a lie, but the hangover had taken the second spot for concern after what had happened earlier. Her head was spinning, too many thoughts had her spiraling and she had no idea what to do.

Jamie snorted, "Yeah well, we can't trust you ladies together, can we?"

Ella actually smiled softly for the first time that morning then, "Oh you love us."

She felt worse when Kelly announced that since Ella and Alex were there, then everyone could start ordering. Her appetite was suddenly gone and that's why she only ended up getting a cup of black coffee and toast.

She couldn't trust herself eating a proper meal when she felt like her insides were churning constantly being sat next to Alex.

Thankfully for everyone, food had started arriving soon and that made Ella feel a bit better.

She was buttering her toast when Flo, who was sitting on the other side of Alex, started talking to her, "Right, Ellie, we need to plan that photoshoot we were having."

Flo sounded so excited, that cute smile of her shining on her face and it melted Ella a bit, enough for her to genuinely smile back. "Oh yes." She nodded and took a bite of her toast, trying to think of anything that might help knowing when and where to have it done, "I need to show y'all my ideas, but I want it to sort of be in the woods."

And Flo being amazing, gave her amazing news as an answer, "That'd be Katie's then. She's got a massive back garden."

"Oh really?" Ella asked with raised eyebrows, at least that was acting like a pick me up.

Flo nodded enthusiastically and started describing, "Yes, lots of trees and a few miles away there's a little creek."

She was going to continue describing Katie's massive gaff when Alex bluntly interrupted, "Don't you just want to sit beside her?"

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