Part 8.3

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Make sure to read 8.2 first


That night had ended with Alex sneaking out of Ella's room when she finally managed to fall asleep, and going to find her broom and dustpan so he could clean up the mess of glass on the other side of her door.

He had been really quiet, picking up the glass, putting it in a bag and throwing it away in the bin in her kitchen.

The next day, Ella had woken up alone and with an awful headache. It wasn't because of a hangover she wished she had instead of the memory of the night playing over and over in her mind.

When she had gone out for a smoke, she realized the glass was gone and when Alex woke up, he told her he had been the one to clean it up.

Ella thanked him profusely again, hugging him tightly and making him breakfast as a means to say more thank yous.

Alex had gone to the hotel to get some clothes since Ella had asked him to please stay with her another night just in case. He had gone to his hotel room, showered and gotten a small bag ready to stay over again and got back to hers as soon as he could've.

That day had been rather slow and quiet, they had spoken through actions and reading each other's body language as she tried to find comfort and he tried to comfort her.

It was great to see how that had been helpful enough to make her feel better by Thursday when they had to go back to the studio. The first few hours there had been spent telling the band and Breana what had happened.

They were all fuming by the time she finished retelling it all, and Ella was too. Saying it all out loud again made her feel so fucking annoyed, Julian was fucking ridiculous and all she wanted to do then was push him out of her mind as fast as she could. She didn't want more of her thoughts or time to be wasted on such a disgusting person.

She couldn't believe she was spending the eve of her birthday seething at her ex but life happens and she had to deal with what she was handed. After all, she didn't even want to celebrate her birthday and she was fine with that. She would come in to work and have the best time watching the lads make music and recording them, drowning herself in emails to not think about anything else and just let it be another day.

But that night, when she had gotten the courage to tell Alex she was fine with being home alone, she had gotten a text from him right before she went to bed that said that they'd be coming in later to the studio so she didn't have to bother waking up early on her birthday.

She had laughed and thanked him for the gesture, attributing the suggestion to him helping her find comfort when he wasn't there with such a simple thing.

Ella woke up the day of her birthday with a smile from having been able to sleep in and feeling way better. Her smile stayed on as she got ready and left for the studio.

She got there at around noon, slightly worried at the silence from the lads who had not texted her at all despite having been almost jumping on their feet for her birthday to arrive the previous weeks.

When David opened the door for her, he greeted her with a lovely hug which made her smile brightly.

"Happy Birthday Ella." The bearded man said before letting go.

"Thank you Dave." She replied softly. She looked around the place and when she caught onto the silence inside the place, she frowned. "Where are they?"

He shrugged, trying to act like he didn't know but his little smile gave him away.

Ella stared at him intrigued, "Dave..."

He chuckled, "Just go look for them."

She started walking slowly, her eyes wandering around the whole place. When she reached their usual room, the door was closed which made her start to get nervous.

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