Part 18.4

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Make sure to read 18.3 first


The domesticity continued well into the following morning, after Alex woke Ella up with an attack of kisses all over her face which ended in them holding the other as they worked their ways to an orgasm, whispering sweet nothings and looking into each other's eyes intently as pleasure washed over them.

Brushing their teeth together before changing the sheets yet again—this time bringing the freshly washed ones in Alex's room and putting the one's they'd borrowed from the guest room in the wash—, making breakfast together and getting comfortable on the settee to eat.

Ella's legs were thrown over his lap and he was trying his best to keep one hand on her thigh, rubbing circles on her skin while they ate. The only sound that rumbled through the house was the consistent hum of the AC that kept the house cool, outside the sun was heating up the ground and the water that filled the pool; they broke the silence from time to time to hum when they had another bite of the scrambled eggs and sausage he'd made.

It was hard to imagine everything else was going by normally outside the walls of Alex's house. It felt like they were stuck in their own little bubble and pure happiness simmered inside them, butterflies fluttering inside their stomachs and their smiles just stuck on their faces so their cheeks ached from how much they were smiling already despite it just barely being nine in the morning.

Alex already felt the need for this to be routine, for this to be his normal so with a soft squeeze to her bruised thigh, he let out, "I could get used to this, y'know."

It was so easy to agree, when Ella felt so complete right there. Everything felt right, all worries had been stripped away from her and she felt light and carefree, like she was soaring and the only weight was the love that filled her heart and swelled it until it tripled in size. She hummed in agreement, "Mhmmm, me too." But just to tease him, like she was growing to adore, she joked by tapping her fork on the almost empty plate, "This is so good."

An eye roll was added there along with a soft moan so that she could emphasize how good she meant the food was and, even though she wasn't lying, Alex still gasped aloud, mockingly insulted.

A string of giggles fell from her lips and she set the plate down on the coffee table next to her coffee cup to cup his face with both hands and promise, "I'm joking." Ella pressed her lips over his, their eyes fluttering close at the feeling, and she pulled back softly after a few seconds to genuinely say, "This just feels so right."

With a smile, he also set his plate down on the coffee table and settled back on the settee to look at her and admit, "You know, you actually beat me to it by a few hours."

A soft frown appeared on her face as she brushed his hair back, "Beat you to it?"

He nodded and told her just what he'd been planning for her later that night, "Was gonna call you and invite you over for dinner. I'd bought some things earlier to make you your favorite pasta and a bunch of candles to set it all up outside by the pool."

"Awh sweetness..." Ella cooed as she shuffled even closer to him, "You're so fucking cute."

Alex kissed the soft pout off her face and hummed into her mouth before pulling back and smirking, "It was gonna be really cute but then you surprised me instead."

She shook her head in disbelief not only at the fact that she missed that but also of her own actions, "Can't believe I ruined your cute little plan by barging in and going on a crying rant."

But Alex couldn't disagree more with her choice of words, "You didn't ruin anything, darling."

"It was..." Ella started, trailing off to think of a proper word to describe what that had been and when recalling it in her mind, she closed her eyes in painful embarrassment and concluded, "A whole mess."

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