Part 11.3

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Make sure to read 11.2 first


The rest of the evening was spent in between trips to the free bar and the dancefloor. Ella and the girls had managed to bring the rest of the lads to dance and they were all having a grand time together. Ella had brought her camera and taken many pictures of everyone enjoying themselves until she had forgotten to mentally count how many frames she had been using and she had to put her camera down at the table.

The next time their dancing and drinking had been interrupted was when Bre and Ella had to take their heels off and leave them on their seats on the table. Their feet were too sore to bother having the heels on any longer and the freedom of being barefoot had them jumping and dancing around more eagerly.

That meant that Ella had gotten dizzy and it had ended poorly when she had to run to the toilet to be sick. The shots of tequila and all the different cocktails they'd had caught up to her then and thankfully Bre had followed her so she could hold her hair back as she heaved on the toilet.

It was a miracle her dress hadn't gotten ruined and her energy wasn't completely gone after all that.

When she came back, Ella was asked if she was alright and with a very drunk smile, she nodded. A Destiny's Child song came on, making all the ladies holler in the room, and with that they went back to dancing to their heart's content.

Ella thought it was wiser to get a water bottle and stick to that for a while, so she did just that but she was barely halfway through it when Flo and Matty came over with a bunch of jager shots and Ella had trouble saying no.

The tiniest bit of sobriety she had gotten from the small amount of water she had was reversed for an incredibly quick boost of her drunken state after that shot. It had tasted like shit but it made her hyper and loving that, she went with Flo to get some more.

That time it was a jager bomb she had gotten and it wasn't an exaggeration to say that by that point Ella was completely gone. She wasn't a messy drinker but she was extremely clingy so after annoying Bre for a while—and Matt too from how much she was stealing his girlfriend—, Ella went over to Alex and hugged him tightly, making him sway with her along to the music.

"Dance with me." She'd yelled in his ear and, holding his hand, she dragged him backwards so they could dance alone.

Alex spinned her around as she sang, her clumsy steps making her trip and crash into his chest where he held her close as they laughed and continued to dance to a Mariah Carey song.

She recognized it to be 'Fantasy' so she sang the lyrics loudly and proudly while trying to dance to it in Alex's arms. He was having a hard time letting go of her, allowing her to take a few steps back as she danced freely but not letting her go too far away because he really needed her close.

More so when she sang, "Mmm, baby I'm so into you / Darling, if you only knew / All the things that flow through my mind / But it's just a sweet sweet fantasy baby / When I close my eyes / You come and you take me." looking up at him with those gorgeous eyes and that beautiful smile of hers.

The way she sang those words so convincingly had him filling with the temptation of properly pressing his lips to hers, kissing her like he truly had been wanting to for so long. He wanted to kiss her so badly. He was allowing himself to admit that, careful of treading any other confessions that were tickling his drunk mind.

He was smiling down at her with a knee-weakening smile, making her only belt out the lines to the song louder like that would help him notice what she was still trying to figure out inside her mind.

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