Part 4.1

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A/N: The time has finally come!!!!!!! I'm so so so excited for you to read this one, it was so much fun to write and I hope you enjoy it! Thank you so much for all of your sweet comments, your messages, the votes/notes/kudos and the time you spend reading this little story of mine, I appreciate it so so so much. Now, without further ado, it's Vegas time babyyyy!!!


Las Vegas, Nevada.

Only about three and a half hours away from the decadent city, they had departed a few minutes after Ella and Breana had received a vague tour around the band's temporary house on wheels.

Now they were doing shots of tequila in the main lounge, everyone spread around the round table and sat in the half circle couch that surrounded it. The table had their phones scattered around, lighters, cigarettes and some water bottles. Thank god, she thought because they didn't seem to have anything else she could use as a chaser.

"We should play something." suggested Breana, looking at Matt and then turning to everyone finishing off by Ella who was sitting on the opposite side to her.

Oh no.

Matt hummed in agreement, "Like what?" he asked, getting closer to her side and hugging her to him with his arm around her waist.

They were disgustingly cute, and even if they had only just met the day before, they had hit it off instantly and everyone could tell their personalities played too well with the other. It was endearing to see and they were all curious to see how that would unfold.

"Just nothing with dares please, I don't like those." Ella intervened before anyone could say the typical truth or dare. Most of those ended with her being left out because she didn't want to be dared into doing something with someone she didn't want to and be called a pussy afterwards. And though she was almost sure they wouldn't do that to her, she still would rather play anything else before that.

The model tapped her fingers on the table then, making it seem like she had just gotten a brilliant idea. "How does two truths and a lie sound then?" Bre finally proposed and with everyone's nods, they set down the rules.

Starting with Breana, everyone would take turns to share three statements and from then everyone else would have to guess which of them was the lie. Whoever got it wrong had to take a shot, and if everyone guessed what the lie was correctly, then the person who had given the statements would have to drink.

Ella trusted herself most of the time but, as it was with every drinking game she'd play, she knew she'd do awfully and probably be the drunkest one of the group.

And so with dread filling the PA up, she looked at Bre as the model started the game off, "I was adopted as a baby. I'm twenty eight. I've modeled for American Apparel."

Matt instantly turned to her, with a deep frown, "Wait, twenty eight?!"

Alex shook his head, thinking there was no way the baby-faced model was over twenty four years old and that was giving it a mean guess. "That's gotta be the lie." And to Breana's dismay, everyone agreed on that one being the lie.

Ella hadn't wanted to talk because she knew matter-of-factly what her age was but seeing that everyone was set on it, she added, "Yep, Bre drink up, I've seen your resume. You're not twenty eight."

The model sighed and lifting the glass off the table she cursed, "Fuck, I knew I wouldn't pull that one off." She shook her head for a second before gulping down the alcohol.

Once her glass was back on the table Matt continued with the game. "I almost crashed my car once while listening to a Radiohead album. I've never seen any of the Harry Potter movies. I used to have braces as a kid." His face stayed neutral so Ella was struggling to know which was the lie.

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