Chapter I

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At the L/N's Resident House

Y/N was looking at her fidge to make sure that her food supplies are in good condition(of course to make sure she won't starve).

Y/N: Damn, I running a bit low on food supplies. Now I have to head to the market for more food.

As Y/N was about to head out when she notice and saw that she was also running out of some other materials and essentials for herself. Y/N got her keys and head out of her house(Yes house;picture will be at the end) and locked it making sure it's secure. She began to walk to the market, since the market isn't really that far. Only a couple blocks away from her house, when all of sudden her phone began to buzz from back pocket.

Y/N: Huh, Nemuri's calling, wonder what for? "Hey Nemuri, what's up?"

Nemuri: "Hey Y/N, I was just calling to see what you were up to, since I'm on a break for just a while. Also I wanted to check up on my favorite girl you know."

Y/n chuckled a little knowing how caring Nemuri can be for her since she considered her as a little sister.

Y/N: "Oh, well I was just heading to the market to restock up my supplies on food and other essentials Nemi(Nickname for Nemuri)"

Nemuri:"I see well, you don't mind if I come to your house when I finish work here at U.A. right?"

Nemuri would often go to your house sometimes when she would feel a tad bit lazy on cooking but also to enjoy some sister time with you.

Y/N:"Of course, Nemi I don't mind if you come over, we can do a mini spa if you like. I do know you love mini spa's Nemi"

Nemuri:*Gasps*"N/N(Nickname) you sly dog, you know I love doing mini spa's with you so make sure to get the materials and I can bring some things from my house"

Y/N:"Alright, Nemi I'll get the stuff for the mini spa today. I have to go now I'm already at the market so call you back later"

Nemuri:"That's alright, N/N I have to go as well I'm heading back to teach again, we're picking out Hero names for these kiddos. Take care girl, and be safe when you head back home okay and don't hesitate to call if something is wrong okay"

Y/N smiled softly seeing how concern and worrisome her sister can be for her own safely. Even though, Nemuri saw how capable Y/N can be she still worries and cares for Y/N related or not.

Y/N:*Chuckles softly* "I will Nemi, don't worry and if something does happen I'll just beat the person ass for messing with me"

Nemuru:*Nemuri chuckles on the other line* "I know, I know but still be careful alright sis. Bye bye love you"

Y/N: "Bye Nemi, love you too. Alright bye"

Soon enough, Y/N hangs up the phone and placed it back into her back pocket and went inside the market for the materials she needed. As well picking up the materials for the mini Spa, she and Nemuri will be having. When Y/N was heading out the to the checkout, something caught her eye. Fingerless gloves but only 4 our covered and the thumb is the only one out.

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