Chapter XXIX

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Kurogiri left the office of Doctor Akio's and went to find Dabi or head to Y/N to see hers and Atushiro son. So he decide to seem them quickly before finding Dabi. He headed to room where Y/N and Atushiro went and knocked on the door. He heard a small 'come on in' and entered the room. He saw Y/N sleeping and beside her was her son sleeping in a small incubator crib.

Atushiro: Oh! Kurogiri, hello. How are you?

Kurogiri: Hello Sako. I'm fine, how are you and the other two?

Atushiro: I'm doing fine just making sure my hand isn't broken. I chuckled and heard Kurogiri chuckled softly as well. And Y/N is fine, just hella tired after giving birth to Reito. And Reito well he's a healthy chunky baby boy.

Kurogiri: Well I'm glad all three of you are doing good. Now all you have to do is pop the huge question. He looked at me in confusion for a second. Marriage. When are you going to ask her to marry you, Sako?

Atushiro: Oh!! Well...umm..I started to feel blood rush up to my cheeks from the sudden question. Right...I'm still thinking how I should do it and find the right moment. So umm...yeah..

Kurogiri: I see..well maybe do something simple. You know how Y/N is, she's a girl that thinks a picnic in a flower field is perfect date. Maybe...propose to her when you went on your 2nd date. The flower field and then propose. I went over to the small baby and looked at him quickly.

Atushiro was planning how to do it when he heard Kurogiri say how he should do it. Kurogiri looked at the small infant and saw he had the same curly hair color as Atushiro. He doesn't know about his eye color but he thinks it might be the same color as his mother.

Atushiro: Thanks for the idea Kurogiri. I think I have an idea how I should do it. I just have to plan the day and boom that's when I'll pop the question.

Kurogiri: Of course, Sako. Also...I began to head out the door and opened it. I turned around to look at Atushiro one last time. Your son looks a lot like you to me.

Kurogiri left the room and left a happy Atushiro Sako in the room. Soon enough, he heard the front door of the hideout and saw Dabi enter. He looked rather frustrated about something.

Kurogiri: You seem frustrated. Did something happened when you went out?

Dabi just went pass Kurogiri and slammed his head and groaned in frustration. Kurogiri went behind the counter and got Dabi's drink ready for him to drink.

Kurogiri: I'm guessing finding information about Doctor Akio didn't go well? He looked at me and them to the drink. He dranked it quickly and slammed it down, shaking his head.

Dabi:'s like impossible to find anything about that idiotic man. I mean... *groans in frustration*. Hope you found something better than I did.

Kurogiri: I did. I got a whole backstory about his relation to Y/N's parents mainly. Not about his life story but just his connection with her and how he knows your name.

Dabi: Tell me. I want to know just a little at least.

Kurogiri nodded and told him how he knew his name and then to the connection with Y/N's parents.

Dabi: ......I don't have anything to say...but that honestly sounds tough for him really. He tried to save his best friends wife life and failed yet he didn't hold a grudge...?

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