Chapter XIX

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Y/N and Chisaki walked all the way to the Shie Hassaikai as she was interested in seeing the young child he mentioned. They continued walking as it was silent but comfortable either way. After 10 minutes of walking they finished and reached the huge house of it all. Chisaki opened the door for his Mother letting her in first. She thanked him as he was being quite a gentleman.

The people that outside of the young unknown child's door. They see it was their boss Overhaul and his Mother walking toward them.

Overhaul: Move, me and Mother are going in to see the young child.

Subordinates: Yes sir. And it's a pleasure to see once again Miss L/N. We moved out the way for Overhaul and bowed down to Miss L/N.

Y/N: Oh. It's a pleasure to see you both once again. I see Saki go inside so I followed him. What surprised me was a somewhat bedroom with a young girl on the bed. She had light blind hair, red eyes and a small horn on her head. She was crouching holding up knees close to her.

Overhaul: Mother, I like you to meet Eri. I see Mother's eyes lit up seeing the young girl in front of her. She jogged up to her sat down on the bed startling her.

Y/N: Hello Eri, I'm Y/N. It's a pleasure to meet you. I smiled at the young girl known as Eri. She looked at me puzzled and looked between me and Saki.

Overhaul:'s a bit rude not to introduced yourself to my Mother...I was getting irritated seeing her act this way but then again my men did take her out of no where.

Eri: Hello...I said it rather softly...The women in front of me looks so kind and gentle. But for some reason in my gut it's telling me that something isn't right about her..

Y/N: I see you're still nervous..but it's fine really. I mean, when you meet somewhere new you're bound to be a bit nervous and uncomfortable with others. But not to worry Eri, you're in good hands with my son Chis- I mean Overhaul okay. I smiled kindly at her making sure I don't release any negative aura around me.

Eri: Really....? Are you sure I'll okay here?.... Her's so soft and comforting...was my gut lying to me about her...yeah I'm sure it was just a false alarm...

Y/N: Of course Eri!! I grabbed her arm and pulled her towards me and putting her on my lap. I began to stoke her head and kissed her forward. Everything we will be fine Eri. As long as you follow Overhaul's rules and do what he says. As long as you do that then you'll be okay no matter what.

Eri smiled at this and at her. But to everyone else...this will be the last time she'll give a genuine smile. Overhaul smiled seeing his Mother give lies to the young girl seeing she might trust in him but give more trust to her instead.

Y/N: How old are you Eri?

Eri: I'm 6 years old!

Y/N: My such a big girl I see!! Can you tell me your quirk Eri or what it is?

Eri didn't say anything for a few seconds and Y/N sees it. She lost her smile for one second and aura changed from a kind and trusting women to a malice and hostility. She was getting a bit impatient and narrowed her eyes at Eri but blinked a couple of times and went back to normal. However, Overhaul saw this and questioned what happened right now.

He felt the sudden change of her aura. He didn't know if something happened but didn't know how to exactly put it. Y/N sighed softly and stroked Eri's hair and gently smiled at her once more. Although....this smile was a bit different but Eri didn't notice.

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