Chapter XIII

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It was the next day and Y/N felt something around your her waist. She looked slightly and noticed it was Atushiro who had their arms around you. She smiled either remembering what he said to her yesterday. She gently took off his arms around and began to get up to take a shower. It was a couple of minutes when you finish taking a shower and changed. Y/N looked to her side and sees that Atushiro was still asleep. She giggled a little and went to him shaking him gently.

Y/N: Shiro~ It's time to wake up. I see him stirr up and crack open his a little. He looks at me and smiles softly.

Atushiro: Good morning my beautiful Pearl. I wake up and see Y/N smiling at me. I then begin to sit and notice that I was still wearing the same shirt from yesterday.....yesterday....I remember I told her I would fill in the void then I....kissed her..

Y/N: I see Shiro space out but then I see his face turn bright red. Wait....I forgot he kissed me yesterday!!! Shit...Okay just calm down Y/N..I grabbed Shiro's hand. Shiro...are you gonna take a shower?

Atushiro: I looked to my left and see Y/N's face red as well...guess she remembered too..then she asked me a question if I was going to shower. Ah, yes I am my dear. I best leave and take a shower, I'll meet you at the lounge okay.

Y/N nodded of him leaving to shower since he didn't have clothes in her room. She then grabbed his face and decide to make a bold move on him. She kissed him once again. Of course, Atushiro was in shocked but soon melted into her touch. He grabbed her waist pulling her closer and onto his lap making the kissed a bit too heated. They let go leaving them both breathless. They looked at each other blushing rather hard.

Y/N: Okay mister charmer. You better go or the kids might barge in and by looking at our position it might get awkward. I giggled and smiled at Atushiro.

Atushiro: I agree my dear, but it wasn't me who got us into this predicament now is it. I smirked at her and see her blush into a deeper shade of red. I chuckle at her and I begin to get up and see her get off. But not gonna lie I loved her sitting on my lap.

Atushiro began to leave but before he looked at her and went back. He grabbed her chin making her look at him. He then pecked her lips quickly and smiled at her flushed face. He chuckled at the sight then begin to leave the room to his to shower. Y/N was uncontrollably Blushed from the bold action to him pecking her lips quickly. She smiled at herself because  of the actions that happen in the damn morning. Soon enough she heard a knock on her door said a small "come in", what showed was Dabi.

Dabi: Morning Mother.

Y/N: Why the hell did he say it like that? Uhh...morning hun..but if I may ask why did you say it like that instead of your usual "Morning Ma!".

Dabi: I'll tell you when we all have breakfast. Okay, we'll wait for you. Love you ma.

Y/N: What is going on? It's barely 7 in the morning. Ugh, let's get go there already.

Time skip

Y/N, the kids and everyone else set up a large table for breakfast;However, this breakfast was usually different today. Dqbi and kids were staring at their mother and Atushiro rather more tense than usual. Everyone was curious about the sudden change of atmosphere between them; They were used to the happy(some what happy) breakfast but....they all had the same question...
What the hell is going on?

Y/N: Okay, what is going on!?! What is with the sudden stares!?! Well!?! Kids!?! I looked at Dabi, Shiggy and Toga question what is going on

Dabi: Well...I just wanna say is that I was gonna head to your room so we can both say goodnight to grandpa but it were occupied with someone else. I stared at ma and see her raise her eyebrow.

Y/N: What the hell do you mean Dabi?

Dabi: I mean is that when I went to comfort you from yesterday but I noticed that you were sleeping with that idiot. Even more you were cuddling!!

Everyone was surprised from what Dabi had said. Y/N and Atushiro on the other hand were blushing quite hard. Everyone slowly turned their heads to look at the two people. 3 girls were smiling largely, and the rest of boys had their mouth open.

Boys: WHAT!!!!?!

Girls: REALLY!?!

Y/N then tried to calm down everyone from the situation. After a few minutes of calming down everyone she explained but not to full in detail from yesterday. They listened to everything Y/N had said. As for the kids they were intent on listening but all of a sudden Toga decided to say something that could cause another uproar.

Toga: So does that mean that you're dating him now? Everyone froze and looked at me. Dabi gave a deadly glare and Shiggy well it seems he was malfunctioning.

Dabi: I got up quickly and slaming my hands on the table startling misspelled. Hell to the fucking no Toga!!! That's idiot will not be dating our mother. Sure he approved of being close to her but dating!!!! No way, never in a million years.

Shigaraki: He's right Toga. Dating is definitely out of the question. I mean.....I looked Mr. Sako then to mama questioning why just why would Toga think they'll date.

Toga: Oh come on guys. I think that most of us here think that Mr. Sako and mama make a cute couple. Right guys? I looked at the people around the table see that they nod slowly or quickly agreeing what I said. I mean it's mama choice to choose whoever she would like to date. We can't do anything about it.

Dabi: Ha! That's for you but me...I will no one will be worthy of our mothers love and affection. You hear Mr. Trickster I will be the judge of you.

Dabi then proceed to get his plate and take it to his room to eat alone. Y/N just stared in disbelief that Dabi her oldest son will "judge" Atushiro to see if he will be worthy of her love. She appreciates how caring and overprotective he is with his family(mainly her) but still. She sat down and told them to continue eating.

Y/N: We have such a strange family don't we. I chuckled and begin to laugh on how such a strange morning it turned out to be

Everyone then begin to laugh as well on what this villain family will turn out to be.

Everyone: Agree


I apologize if this chapter seems a bit short. I know it's the summer time and everyone got out of school but I'm might have a slight of writers block. If possible maybe request on what chapter I could do next. Thank you fellow readers, have a good day/night/afternoon.

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