Chapter X

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By the next morning Y/N was cooking breakfast for her kids but she couldn't help but feel giddy from last night's conversation with Atsuhiro. The kids woke up to the delicious smell of their mothers meal. They reached the kitchen but out of the three kids they noticed that their mother was acting a bit different today. So he decide to be the bold one and ask what was going on with her.

Touya: You look happy today ma. It's nothing bad, we love seeing you be happy but did something happen? I see ma turn around and look at me.

Y/N:'s nothing really honey....I guess being out and walk around from yesterday just really cleared my mind ya know.

Touya: Uh huh....are you sure it's nothing or did something happened when you went out walking.

Toga: *Gasps* Did you meet someone pretty mama?! I wanna bet it was a pretty handsome man or women.

At this point, when Toga said she met some "handsome" or "pretty" man. Y/N thoughts went straight to Atsuhiro face; She couldn't help but blush, though she tried to conceal it quickly before anything. However, two boys had their mouths wide open and looked at Toga not believing what she had said. They looked at each other them to their mother, their eyes widen seeing a faint blush on their mother's face.

Tenko: YOU MET SOMEONE!?! WHO IS THIS MAN!?! I shouted, what man is worthy being close to mama.

Touya: I stared at ma, looking at her seeing a faint blush on her. What man, is even worth being in the presence of my mother? Is he even worth being close to mother? If he isn't, I'll kill him for hurting my mother's heart.

All three children were either happy, shocked or even deep in thought to hear that their mother met someone. However, Y/N was trying to deny that she did met someone but if course...failed at it. Toga wanted to hear who is lucky man to met her mother. Tenko and Touya deadpanned at their mother wanting to know about the man. She of couse, was hesitant about it since she knows how protective they are with her. She knows what they do when she tells them to get "rid" of the unsuitable people she recruited. But they insisted and even wanted to met face to face about. She denied about meeting face to face about it, that was to straight forward.

Y/N: Look, I'll you about him but not face to face you hear. I just met him but nothing more about got it. I see all three kids of mine nod.

So then Y/N begin to explain everything from start to finish. Toga was quite happy and giddy about her mother meeting someone. Tenko, was hesitant about it but enjoys seeing his mother face he gave in(a little though). Now Touya, he was interested about it but feels like the tricks will be a pain in the ass for him when gets older.

Y/N: That's all I know okay. Is all that you wanted to hear guys? All three nodded and see them leave the kitchen table.(Yes, they did eat breakfast when they talking)

Touya on the other went to go see his grandfather and ask for advice on what to do. He doesn't want this "man" to crush his mother's heart.

Sako's residents

Atsuhiro: I was on the phone talking to Kurogiri about asking miss L/N about going this coffee date. This feels so stupid really, a grown man asking someone if I should do this. I mean I just met her yesterday and yet here I am in this predicament.

I don't know Kurogiri, I mean I just met her but I don't know if I should do this.

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