Chapter XIV

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Its been now a month of being villains. After the incident that happened at dinner, from a month ago, everything has been settled. Although, whenever Dabi would pass by Mr. Compress, he would give him a death stare but Mr. Compress wouldn't be bother by it. Shigaraki on the other hand are somewhat getting used to Mr. Compress being with their mother.

Toga she enjoys it if we're being honest. To her it feels like she can actually have a nice full family, she tries to get Dabi and Shigaraki to do a "family movie night". Shigaraki tried it and he enjoys sometimes, Dabi he tries but he can't sometimes.

Toga: Don't you guys enjoy doing some "family time" with mom and Mr. Compress. It feels like we're"family" know. I look at Dabi and Shigaraki;However, I see Shigaraki nod a little and smile very small. Dabi he just glared at me and just stood up and leave.

Shigaraki: Do you think he hates it? I mean, before it was just you, me and him only with mama. Now Mr.Compress is in the picture, he probably thinks that if mama gets pregnant she might forget him.

Toga was shock by what Shigaraki said and now she's thinking about it. Her entire aura begins to darken, she doesn't want to be abandoned again. Shigaraki sees this and grabs her hand and giving her a caring smile reassuring her. Telling her that their mother will never forget us or abandoned them no matter what. Toga smiled at comfort her brother is giving her.

In the lounge

Y/n and Atushiro were just relaxing and cuddling together. She had her head on his shoulder probably taking a mini nap, while Atushiro was reading a book on hand and the other on her waist holding her tightly. Dabi went to the lounge and went to bar counter for a simple juice drink. When he turned around he saw his mother and Atushiro together. He didn't want his small to change, he didn't want his past to resurface and start again with Atsuhiro.

Kurogiri saw Dabi's face of uncertainty and talked to him to softly so neither
Y/n or Atushiro to hear.

Kurogiri: *whispers* Dabi are you alright? You keep staring at your mother and Atushiro. Would you like to tell me what's wrong? I see him startle a little and turn to me. I see him look at me then down to his lap then back to the newly made couple.

Dabi: *whispers* It's just I don't want my small family to change. I know Ma said that the "Leauge of Villains" are part of our family now but...I mean my small family.

Kurogiri: *whispers* I see... I understand but why not talk with your mother. You know how calm she is whenever you or others feel. Even the other subordinates that are in the League of Villains talk with her. When they finish talking with her you see how different they act. Trust me Dabi, I know that you don't like talking about your feelings but it's better to let them know now before it's too late.

Dabi looked up at Kurogiri with wide eyes at Kurogiri. He looked back once more at his mother then to Kurogiri. He smiled and I mean he gave him genuine smile, he thanked him and got off the seat and went over to his mother. Kurogiri was smiling under all his fog.

Dabi: I went over to Ma and Mr.Trickster. The moment I got there he looked up from his book and smiled at me. Damn him....but like how mother smiled at me it was soft and kind....and for some reason it was comforting...

Atushiro: Hello Dabi. Is everything alright? I looked at Dabi and looked at me then his mother or Y/N. I understood that he wanted to talk with about something. I gently shook my lovers shoulder. Y/N wake up...Dabi would like to speak to you.

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