Chapter IX

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Right now Y/N was walking by herself, for just fresh air. Looking for potential people to be villains were a bit of a hassle. Not to mention they were just in it for her and her body, at that point she actually told Touya, Tenko and Toga to get rid of them. She didn't care how but they followed the order their mother gave them; It was exciting for the three to get "rid" of the people that tried to get their mother's body. She was frustrated about it that she left the house for fresh air. What was unexpected for her was what fate put out for her.

Y/N: Dammit, how hard is it too find suitable people for this. I mean seriously I can tell that don't they don't want to be villains but just to see me for their lewd thoughts.

When Y/N was deep in her thoughts about the people that she interviewed about, another person was walking opposite to where she was. Y/N bumped into the unknown man, making him drop his stuff on the floor.

Y/N: Dammit!! I'm sorry sir, I was too deep in my thoughts and I suppose I wasn't looking where I was going. I began to pick the stuff that fell out his hands.

???: Oh my dear, it's no trouble at all. I was on my phone for a bit and I suppose I wasn't looking either. So in a way it's both our faults. I chuckle seeing that we both bumped into each other. How cliché,  hehe

Y/N: *chuckles* I suppose it is but really I shouldn't be that deep in my thoughts when I'm walking. Please let me treat you for my mistake. Now just by looking at his facial features, he does look rather handsome.

???: My, it really isn't a problem but I suppose if you insist my dear I won't mind then. Please lead the way. The women in front of me, looks beautiful and the feeling being around her is rather calming. But either way she nodded and being to walk forward.

The two stayed silent for a while but then the man being to break the silent asking why the women was so deep in her thoughts. She began to explain about the "business" she wanted to do along with her kids but everytime she finds another person they were all disappointing, even disgusting. He nodded seeing her get frustrated about it then pout. He chuckled seeing the adorable face she was making. Y/N saw him chuckle, she was upset but soon broke into a smile seeing the smile plastered on his face. They soon reach the Café(No its not the one where she owns, it's a different one)

Inside the Café

Y/N: Please choose whatever you like, its my treat. I smiled at the man, who looked at me with his hazel eyes. Not gonna lie his eyes are rather captivating to look at.

???: Alright then, I'll get a cheesecake and a glass of ice tea my dear. I look at her and see her nod her head before leaving to order what I wanted. Being honest here, her eyes were quiet beautiful. Not to mention her hair looks so silky smooth to the touch.

After a few seconds Y/N came back with the man's dessert and drink. She set it down on the table and he began to eat. Although, he notice that she didn't get anything so he asked if she liked to share the cheesecake with him. She denied of course saying that if was his, but he continued and soon enough she gave in. They talked for a while, getting to know each other. Y/N trusted him rather quickly and the same Atsuhiro Sako, felt quickly to trust her.

Y/N: Atsuhiro, your such a charmer honestly. I mean the tricks the comments, how do you not a girlfriend yet honestly.

Atsuhiro: I could say the same thing as well Y/N. How could a lovely, independent and strong minded person like you not have a significant other. I looked at Y/N and see her smile at me.

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