Chapter XXIV

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Everything went silent. The moment they heard Y/N's father name they just stayed silent. Especially Dabi, he heard the story and everything from his Mother, he didn't think of that name til he mentioned it.

Atushiro: It's just a suggestion really. The only reason I know about him was when me and Y/N went out to our 14th date. She mentioned him and I think remembered her saying if she got pregnant and it was a boy she'll name "Reito" after her father. And she said if the baby was a girl she was gonna name her "Akemi" after her mother. So since it's a bit I though naming him "Reito".

Dabi: How the hell could fucking forget Granpa!?!? I would talk to him when I needed him the most and the moment Ma is pregnant I forget!? I groaned into both of my palms of my hands. I'm so stupid....

Atushiro: You're not stupid Dabi. I guess since Y/N is pregnant everyone is busy and forget things that they usually do. I think you thought of that name but due to everyone else it slipped easily so it's no one's fault or yours. Understand.

Dabi: Yeah I got it Dad....

Yuni: That is good idea Sako. Naming your child after a great villain and Father now that's smart. I vote for Reito, anyone else?

Riko: Eh, I guess so. Though I still going for "Riko Jr. II" but "Reito" seems better. So yeah.

Spinner: Honestly that name sounds so badass. You'll be having one badass kid on your hand Sako, so yeah I going for Reito.

Dabi: Everyone was looking at me seeing if I agree with the name. I thought they notice that I agree with them but differently. What!?! I vote for that name anyways people!?! And yeah, that brother of mine will be a badass thanks to me. It's name after my grandfather anyways.

Everyone just stared at Dabi and chuckled at him. He just glared at everyone getting annoyed by them and their noise. Eben through their laughs they didn't notice at the group came back with more baby clothes from the store.

Toga: Hey!!!! We're back from the store! Hope we didn't take to long.

The grouped turned or lifted their heads altering hearing Toga's voice.

Dabi: No. You definitely didn't take 3 'n' half hours in the store. So no you didn't take long.

Magne: Geez, didn't realize we took that long. It's just the store had so many adorable clothes and stuff there you know.

Haru: Yeah and for two guys that went along. We actually enjoyed those 3 'n' hf hours that we spent at that store.

Twice: Exactly they needed opinions from that adorable store. It was shifty and so boring and nothing adorable about it!! But then again. It was...nice really.

Toga: Anyways...I went over tothe counter along with others and placed the purchase bags on the counter. I continued to speak while turned around to look at them. Did you find any names for our little bro?

Dabi: Yeah we did. It was actually Dad's idea and we stuck with it.

Magne: Well tell us the name. I want to know about it.

Dabi: "Reito". That's the name of new little baby brother.

This shocked Toga along with the others. They heard of the infamous villain "Steal Flare" and his real name. He died years ago and now to be name after a new born. Toga just stared at them and smiled widely showing off her canine teeth.

Toga: That's perfect. Why didn't you think of that earlier Dabi? Dad, I didn't know you knew about Mom's dad but who cares that's a great name. Ohhh. Where's mom actually, I want to show mom all the clothes and stuff we bought.

Atsuhiro: She's in her room sleeping. She's wanted cuddle and for me to read to her sleep so I did and she fell asleep so...yeah. Sorry kiddo, you have to do it when she wakes up.

Magne: Nah, it's fine. I mean I guess it's common for to feel sleepy a lot really. Being 6 months pregnant and all is a lot to deal with if you ask me. But anyways..... does anyone know what we will have for dinner today.

No one nodded. They were tired from trying to find a name and now they have to think of something to eat for dinner. But they have to cause if Y/N miss dinner for one chance or mintue it'll be chaos. They found out that they almost skipped on dinner time and when Magne was gonna help Kurogiri for dinner they saw a whole bunch of candy wrappers around.

They follow the trail and saw Y/N on the floor eating all the candies. They were concern as she shouldn't be having to much sweets as it could harm the baby. As they approach Y/N she heard them and turned her head rather quickly and stared at them intensely. They froze and didn't move for 30 seconds, as they made on movement Y/N quickly got up and ran away from them.

After 2 hours of chasing Y/N they took away her candies and hid them where she couldn't find it anymore. She started to wail but that wail was no ordinary wail at all. It sounded so high pitch that made everyone cover their ears, even more since it was so loud and high-pitch everyone in Musutafu covered their ears wondering where that sound was coming from.

So this made Magne and Kurogiri get something to cover their ears and began to cook quickly for Y/N. The moment they finish they handed the plate to Atsuhiro so he could feed Y/N. He feed Y/N and shut her mouth, the moment she had food in her mouth she stopped her insane high-pitch wail and took the plate from Atushiro and was back to normal.

They all let out a sigh of relief from that experience. They all vowed to never forget dinner time for they don't ever and they mean ever repeat what happened to them again.

So they tried to think of what they should eat today, and a bit quickly too not knowing when Y/N would wake up. After 3 minutes they finally come up with something to eat and told Magne and Kurogiri. They nodded and began to cook the food.

Time skip

Atushiro headed back to his shared room with Y/N shook her a little saying that dinner is ready to eat. Y/N stirred her eyes and look at Atushiro with a soft smile and nodded. He helped her get up and head to the dinner room so that they may eat. Y/N smelled the food and smiled and began to walk quickly to the table and wanted to eat everything on sight.

Y/N: *Gasps* The food looks so delicious!!! Come on guys, it's time eat and if you don't then I'll eat this by myself

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Y/N: *Gasps* The food looks so delicious!!! Come on guys, it's time eat and if you don't then I'll eat this by myself.

Everyone sweat dropped at this and actually believed that she would eat this all by herself. So they went over to the table placed their hands together.

Everyone: Itadakimasu!!!

They all began to eat and talk little not spoiling the name they were gonna mentioned to Y/N as they want it to be a surprise for her.

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