Chapter II

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Tenko and Y/N were getting close to her house. Y/N looked down at Tenko and saw that he was holding her hand quite tightly, she didn't mind but she thought that he might be affectionately starved. She smiled softly, seeing how shy and timid Tenko is.

Y/N: We're almost at my house Tenko, also imma give you a bath so we get you clean and make sure you don't get sick alright. I see him look up at me and shook his head up and down, then looked straight ahead. We continued our walk and I saw my house but also another person a head. Hmm, I'm guessing that's Nemuri, since she did said she wanted to go to my house.

Nemuri looked to the right and saw Y/N getting close, so she shouted out to her asking where she was

Nemuri: Y/N, girl where the hell were you!?! Do you realize how worried sick I was?!? I continued shouting at Y/N, until I looked down and saw a small raven-haired boy with red puffy eyes, along with a few scratch marks on his face. Uh, Y/N who's that small boy with you?

Y/N: I looked down and saw Tenko get behind my leg, due to being shy and being unknown to Nemuri. I'll tell you later, but first let's go inside. She looked at me, then looked down at Tenko but agreed anyways.

Y/N, Tenko and Nemuri all went inside Y/N's house. Nemuri put down the materials she had with her, since she brought them from her house. Along, Y/N put down the materials and food she just brought from the store as well.

Nemuri: Okay, can you explain to me whom that kid is with you please. Y/N looked at me and sigh knowing she has to explain everything to me.

Time skip to which Y/N finish explaining from beginning to end☆

Nemuri: I see, so that explains the kid then. I looked at the boy now known as Tenko, I smiled at him and holded out my hand. Hello Tenko, I'm Nemuri Kagama but you can just call me Nemi instead.

Tenko: I looked at the lady, known as Nemuri.... I see that she began to hold out her hand introducing herself to me. I looked up the lady known as Y/N seeing if I should....She looked down at me and smiled softly and nodded her head slowly. Hello, miss Nemi...I said softly still rather shy meeting another person than Y/N.

Y/N: Alright, Nemi can you cook the food please, I have to give Tenko a quick bath. Nemi, looked at me and smiled and agree that she would gladly cook us food for all three of us. Thanks Nemi, alright Tenko let's give you a nice relaxing bath shall me. I hold out my hand patiently waiting for him to grab it...few seconds later he grab it and followed me to the bathroom. Alright, stay here I'm just grab some clothes that I have with me and I hope you don't mind if I take a bath with you. Of course, I'll wear a towel around my body so you don't feel uncomfortable. What do you say? He looked at me and agreed but he looked away when he nodded agreeing to taking a bath together. Honestly, he looks really adorable when does this.

Y/N headed to her room to grab some clothes for both her and Tenko. Luckily Y/N body is a bit small but not that small that one of her shirts could fit him. Now underwear for Tenko was a bit difficult but again luckily she has a few left thanks to Izuku and Katsuki coming to her house and having sleepovers every once in a while.

Y/N: I'm back Tenko, I got some clothes for the both of us. I smiled at Tenko gently, then looked away so that I can turn on the water making sure it's the right temperature for Tenko and I. I looked at Tenko and asked if I can take off the clothes he has now. Again, timid, but as the patient person I am waited. He nodded giving, once again, permission to discard the clothing he has.

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