Chapter XXV

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It was the next day and everyone was either out causing trouble as usual for the heros. Y/N didn't mind as she was rubbing her stomach and smiling at it. Atushiro was next to her as always having his hand on top of her stomach as well talking to his child like he was already born. After 2 mintues Atushiro remember the name he wanted to tell her but waited until Shigaraki, Dabi and Toga got here so that they can all tell her the name they have thought of.

Atushiro: My angel there is something I want to tell you. She looked at and tilted her head. It's about the name I have thought of and I think you'll love it. But I won't say until all three have come back from their "mission" okay.

Y/N: But I want to know the name of my baby~~ I couldn't think of anything of any names that are best suited for him. But if you and my other three kids know then I suppose o could wait.

Time skip

Y/N, Atushiro, Shigaraki, Toga and Dabi were now in their mother and Father's shared room. Y/N was excited to know what baby name they have come up with so they can finally name their unborn son.

Y/N: Come on!!! Tell me!!! I've waited for so long to know and now I want to know!!

Dabi: *chuckles* Alright alright, calm down Ma. I know you've been waiting for a while to know the name so final Dad is gonna tell you the name.

Y/N nodded and looked at her other two kids giggling as Shigaraki smiled back at her as Toga was jumping slightly holding in her squeal. Finally, she looked over at Atushiro waiting for the name to be announce.

Atushiro: So the name we've come up with is something that you'll definitely and hopefully like. I see Y/N trying to be calm and not harm her child or herself. I chuckled at the sight and finally say the name she's been waiting for. The name of our soon to be born son is "Reito". "Reito Sako".

Y/N: Reito Sako.... They all decide to use my Father's name for our son. I felt tears slipping out and I could tell they were concern for me.

Shigaraki: Mother!! Are you okay!? Is it because of the name were using?

Dabi: I didn't know you might hate it. I'd like it..

Toga: It's okay Mama, we're sorry..

Y/N: I'm not crying because of that.. I'm crying because I love the name guys... I think my father would be very happy that we're using his name in remembrance..

Atushiro: Ohh...thats good. I was the one who brought up the name really. I don't get how you could forget that when we went on our date and talked about kids Angel.

Y/N: Oh shut it Shiro!! I'm pregnant and I tend to forget things a little! Put a little slack on me at least.

Dabi: Yeah Old Man!! Put a little slack on the poor women!!

Shigaraki: Honestly, I don't know how mother puts up with some of your bullshit really.

Toga: Yeah, just be glad for the things right now.. Daddd...

Atushiro sweat dropped seeing that all kids ganged up on him for what he said. Guess he'll be the bad guy at most points for them but doesn't really care as he gets to still be called "Dad" or "Old Man" from them. He cracked a small smile and they just stared at him thinking "He's one weird guy"...

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