Chapter VII

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Couple days have passed after what happened at the dinner. They now claimed that they were going to be villains in the future but as a family. Right now Y/N and the three kids were finishing up the last decorations in their new room that they were planning for quite some time.

Y/N: There we go, all done now guys. Do you love it? I looked at the kids seeing how happy their faces look.

Toga: I love it mom, it's amazing!! The room looks so pretty; I looked to my side, trying to see what their faces look.

Tenko: It looks amazing mama. I think were gonna enjoy sleeping here....well sometimes you know. I enjoy the room but I feel like sometimes we would sleep in mama's room. I looked up and I guess she knew what I meant.

Touya: Yeah, it looks nice ma. I'll enjoy sleeping here without this two most of time.

Toga: What is that suppose to mean, you idiot!?! I looked at Touya, getting mad at him saying like he won't miss us.

Touya: Oh know what I mean....Miss snores a lot....Man, I enjoy teasing them.

Toga: Why you!...

Before Toga could even lash out at Touya, Tenko got between them and told them to calm down. They both looked him, then to each other; They looked away from each and crossed their arms. Y/N saw this and began to laugh loudly seeing how all three children are acting right now. They all looked at their mother and begin to laugh as well knowing that her laugh was undeniably contagious. After a couple of seconds they all calm down from their laughter.

Y/N: Alright you three, now who's ready to eat some dinner!!!

The Three T's: Yeah!!!!

Time skip

Y/N: Now that I think about it. We have to change your name too Tenko. I looked at Tenko and his eyes widen a bit realizing what I was going say.

Touya: Yeah, we definitely have to change your name Teko. Cause if we keep calling you "Tenko" are whatever it is; They'll know sooner than later. I see Teko looking at me understanding everything me and ma said already.

Y/N: Exactly Touya! I changed his name for hiding and to not lead anyone into his actual name. Touya's name is now "Dabi" guessing that you've two already know since he told you already. But for you Tenko we have to think of a name for you.

Tenko stared down at his thinking hard on what to place his hidden name for himself. Touya, Toga and Y/N also try to find a suitable name for him as well. They kept saying random names for him which automatically denied. They of course got mad saying he was being picky about names. Their mother hand was drowning out the arguments of her children til' she can think a name suitable for Tenko.

Finally, she thought a perfect and suitable name for Tenko. She slammed her hands hard on the table, but of course when stood up the chair fell over. In the process it startled to all three kids seeing their mother with a big smile on her face.

Y/N: "Tomura Shigaraki" That will be your name now.

All three kids stares at their mother, still spooked from her previous movement but soon to come realize the name that she just gave for Tenko.

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