Chapter XXXII

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Months passed and now Atsuhiro and Kurogiri finally got a plan to propose to Y/N. They didn't think it would that difficult but they proven wrong when Y/N would change from one thing to another.

Saying she would rather have this than that or that to this. But for simple not money material. As for Reito, he was now a 4 month chubby baby.

Everyone dearer the young ones but it seems he's more a mommy's boy than a Daddys boy. Dabi would toy with his Father saying that all his kids are mommy's kids.

Atsuhiro just sighed but smiled either way from their bond they spent together. Right now, he asked Toga, Magne, and Twice to go out and do something. While he, Dabi and the rest tried to help set up the way he wanted to propose.

He, of course, asked Dabi, Toga and Shigaraki in advance. As well he even to the shrine of her late father for permission. And all agreed to do so, while Dabi and Shigaraki still has some insecurities about it, he reassured them.

And today was the day everything will be set in plan for.

Atsuhiro: Remember this is just a simple setup so complications okay?

Dabi: We got it. But why ask us to help when you seem fine doing it on your own, Dad?

Kurogiri: Dabi, please...just let him be..he's trying to make things right for your mother and hope nothing goes wrong. Also, remember she can't take those medication gummies yet..

Pausing he knew what he was on about. He looked down seeing his younger brother sibling sleeping peacefully. He thanked the others mentally for getting this baby holder so he go out walking without actually holding him.

Dabi: Yeah yeah...anyways how about..imma be nice for once and setup the rest of this shit up and you and Dad can do the food? Hmm?

Atsuhiro paused the moment he heard what Dabi said. He smiled and agreed to this plan.

Atsuhiro: Thank you Dabi! You really a tremendous boy I've ever had!! And thank you for looking out for Reito for me and your mother for the time.

Dabi felt—happy? He wasn't used to getting a praise from a male. Yes, he's gotten praised from his mother, and we don't mean the biological one but our mother.

He looked away before he could see his face was.

Dabi: problem..just go and do what you need to do.

Nodding ue walked with Kurogiri behind in pursuit. He smiled and and began to finish up the setting of this. He aas finally going to get a stable and happy family.

Time skip:

With Y/N

Right now Y/N was just watching from a far looking at the destruction her group was causing. She didn't want to leave when Atsuhiro asked her to but Toga and manged to convince her. She even asked Twice and Big Sis Magne to come along.

Although, Toga planned a simple day— Y/N though otherwise and and decoded to cause a bit of mischief. The others sighed but taged along to soothe what she wanted.

Was it a hassle? Yes, yes it was.

Y/N: Alright, we're finished here. The heros will come soon enough and I don't want to deal with them. So let's go do something simple like...

Twice: A walk in the park? Ew...what kind of simple thing is that?!

Y/N: No, I think that is a lovely idea Twice!

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