Chapter V

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It was the next day and Y/N woke to see all kids sleeping peacefully. She got up, gently so that none of them woke up. Once she got out bed, she looked at the three kids and got out her phone and took a picture, capturing the adorable moment of the kids sleeping together. She placed her phone back on the night desk and left to go to the bathroom to freshen up. When she got out, she saw that they were still sleeping but this time Touya had has foot on top of Tenko's chest. She chuckled at the sight and left to the kitchen to prepare the breakfast for all three. Sooner or later she has to enroll Toga into daycare with Tenko. But for Touya....might as well do homeschooling for him.

Y/N: As I was finishing up breakfast for us four, I felt someone hug my leg. I looked down and saw Touya.....Good morning Touya, did you sleep well. Touya looked up at me and what gave me deja vu was what he said accidentally.

Touya: I slept fine mom......


Touya: What the hell did I just say right.*Blushing from embarrassment* Uhh...uhh..forgot what I just said didn't hear sh*t from me okay....God damn, why...just why did I say that to her....but then again it did feel right to me....

Y/N: Oh my gosh!!!! That's some deja vu right there.....Uhh...Touya its alright, I don't mind if you did call me mom...and try to restrain yourself to using vulgar language please, I don't want Tenko to use that kind language.


Y/N: Well....not until his older of course, then I don't mind. *wink* I see Touya still have blush on his face cause of the embarrassment that he said to me...but then again I feel happy he called me mom. Touya, love can you set up the utensils on the table please. There in the drawer next to the stove.

Touya, followed her order and grab the utensils and placed them on table. Y/N then told him to wake up Tenko and Toga, for breakfast already. He nodded his head and went to the room to wake up Tenko and Toga.

Touya: She seemed....happy when I called her mom...I guess Teko was the first one to call her that...seeing how they don't look each other at all...huh...why did it feel right to call her, I'll figure it out later. Gotta wake Teko and the brat.

Touya got to the room, and saw both Tenko and Toga still sleeping. So he thought why not wake them up 'The Touya way'. He jumped on the bed clahing onto top of Tenko, which he grunted. Then he shook Toga quite roughly which startled her. Both Tenko and Toga looked at Rouya with a mad, pouting fave, shouting at him fir what reason he did that to them. All Touya did was just laugh seeing their reaction and face, when he woke them up.

Tenko: What the hell was that for Touya!?! That was so uncalled for to do that! I stared at Touya, seeing him laugh.

Toga: Yeah, you idiot you could've killed us!?! All I see is that dumb idiot laugh, for jumping on us like some manic.

Touya: *laughing* Oh, sorry not sorry, said to wake up both up for breakfast. I turned away when I said mom it does sound nice it's still embarrassing to say to others...

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