Chapter XXVI

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3 nonths.. Finally after so many mood swings and chaotic times they all went through js now finally over. Y/N was with Kurogiri with a full plump belly, he was helping her mostly so she wouldn't hurt herself or her stomach. Atushiro was with Shigaraki and Toga talking about something random. Dabi left the hideout to do whatever he wanted while the others were just in there room for who knows what. Or just in the lounge area sleeping or doing anything really.

Y/N: Kurogiri..please I can get it myself really. It's not doing anything to me or baby. I was laughing at Kurogiri telling him I can do a few things myself.

Kurogiri: Yes, I know but I'm just being careful.

Y/N: *sighs* Alright, whatever you say Kurogiri. As I was about to go over the counter where we were baking a cake cause I was craving for cake. I felt something wet dripping down my legs. No, no no no.. don't fucking tell me.. Kurogiri!! My water broke!!!

Kurogiri turned around quickly after hearing Y/N saying her water broke. He shouted for Atushiro to come quickly cause Y/N's water broke. He quickly rushed over along with Toga and Shigaraki. Kurogiri called the doctor saying Y/N's water broke already to come over right away.

Everyone was wondering what was going on.

Haru: What the hell is going on?

Miko: Yeah, we just saw Sako and Y/N leave and Kurogiri calling.

Shigaraki: Mother's water broke!! Kurogiri is calling Doctor Akio to come over along with some other people to come deliver the baby!!

This shocked everyone. The baby is coming already!! They that the due date would be in two days but it's today!! They all rushed to see what's happening to their favorite person.

In the delivery room

Y/N was placed in a hospital gown and in the bed. There was three nurses along  with Doctor Akio of course. Atushiro was in the room as well in a hospital dress that covers his clothes.

Doctor Akio: Well this is unexpected huh..? I chuckled seeing what an unpredictable day was.

Y/N: I suppose so. *chuckles* first it was me and Atushiro announcing my pregnancy and now the a little early due date. We are becoming an unpredictable group at this point.

Nurse 1: Yes you are Miss L/N. Now.. how are you and baby doing so far? Any problems from the last few months or so? I was making sure everything was in set when I was the questions to her.

Y/N: Me and the baby have been doing fine so far. And no, there wasn't any problems from the past months really. Just a few contractions but nothing really major.

The nurse nodded and placed an iv on Y/N and placed a few other things to make things fine. Atushiro went beside Y/N grabbing her hand and squeezing a little. Y/N smiled at this and squeezed back and look at the nurses and doctor in front of her.

Time skip: Honestly I don't know much about delivering a baby so we're just skip to that part

Nurse 2: Okay, Miss L/N ready to deliver you baby boy into the world? Miss L/N nodded as she was trying to steady her breathing.

Nurse 1: Alright then. On the count of three push as much as you can okay. Mr. Sako is right beside you. Are you ready. Miss L/N nodded slowly once more. I can see a few semweat drops on her head.

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