Chapter XX

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It's been about 2 weeks since Yuni order the custom medicine for her friend. Y/N was with Atsuhiro at the store to get more supplies for the group and themselves. For some reason, Atushiro noticed Y/N's stomach seemed to be getting bigger. Not that he hates her getting weight, he loves her no matter what size or shape but he even noticed her appetite increased a bit.

As Y/N was getting food materials for cooking with Kurogiri, Atushiro went to the women's section to get a pregnant test for her. He did it very discretely and placed it inside the cart. They both headed to the check out and got everything they need. They soon got to the hideout and put everything they belong to.

Atushiro: My Angel....I looked at Y/N and see she stares at me.. I grabbed her hand and placed the pregnant test I got for her. Her eyes widen and she stared back at me. Could you test it for me...I want to be a 100% sure if it is.

Y/N stared at her lover shock but nodded either way. As she was about to take her first step but first she grabbed his hand and head to their room together.

Y/N: I just want some...comfort incase...ya know...Atushiro nodded and smiled at me.

Atushiro: You know I would always comfort you whenever...I love you, you know that. Y/N looked she wanted to cry but wiped her tears and headed to the restroom. If she is pregnant....*eyes sparkled* I'll be the happiest man ever alive.

3 minutes later

Y/N got out of the bathroom and looked at Atushiro. He stares at her lifting up one eyebrow.

Atushiro: ...So...what was it...? Are you pregnant...? Honestly..who knew the tension could feel so tense at this point.

Y/N began to cry and Atushiro panicked. He rushed right over to her comforting her saying noting but sweet things. He stroked her hair and hugging her close while they were both standing up. Y/N chuckled at this and pushed slightly away from Atushiro.

Y/N: *still crying but slightly* Oh don't worry Shiro...And to answer you question.... I pushed away from him a bit further and lifted up the positive pregnant test. I am..*chuckles a little* We're going to be parents Shiro..

Atushiro just stood there in pure shock. They did talk about having a child one day in their lives, saying that they wish to grow their family a bit bigger. And's finally coming true.... For both of them. He instantly went to her and grabbed her waist twirling her around both laughing a bit. Atushiro began to tear up and placed his head on her shoulder still hugging her.

Atushiro: Our dreams are finally coming true Y/N. We are going to be parents and our family is growing bigger now. I began to tear up even more, I feel her wrap her arms around my back.

Y/N: Yes they are Shiro! I let go from the hug, grabbing his face kissing him all over hearing him chuckling from it. Come on Shiro, let's tell everyone the big news okay.

Atushiro nodded and sees her run off to tell everyone the big news. He was about to go after her til he remembered the melatonin gummies Yuni order for her to eat. If she takes it could risk KILLING his soon to be new born son. He needed to tell her to postpone it til she gives birth to his new born child. He began to walk out the room all the way to his lover.

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