Chapter VI

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Y/N and Touya reached the Café. Y/N's coworkers welcomed her, as well they noticed another boy with her. They questioned her who was the boy that was with her now. Touya felt somewhat scared, thinking that she was gonna tell that he was the monster's son. However, all she said to them was....

Y/N: Oh, I like to you other adopted son.

Touya: Adopted son....I cracked a smile but more interesting she didn't use my actual name and made a new one to hid it....huh....thanks

Coworker #1: My, my Y/N I didn't know you got another adopted kid. So now you have two 2 kids huh....must be nice hmm. I raised one eyebrow looking at my boss.

Y/N: Actually I have three kids now. Tenko is at the daycare with my other adopted daughter and well Dabi....I decided that I should homeschool him...but I need school materials but I'll do it later.

Coworker #2: Wow! You're amazing Y/N, taking care of three adopted kids all by yourself. You should get an award for that you know.

Touya(Dabi): I know right, my mom should get an award for taking care of us for being the best mom anyone could ever have. And it's the truth. I smiled proudly looking at the people in front of me.

Y/N: Touya.....Sh*t now I feel like crying because of him....when I did I get a wonderful sin like him to say things like this....even more he said it without any hesitation.

Coworker #1: Damn, I like you kid. Good work picking out a kid, who acts likes this boss. You know what, boss let's get him something to eat and drink for free for his beautiful response. I looked at my boss and she gladly nodded, so then, the others left to get the kid a drink and food.

Touya(Dabi): I didn't know, I would get something free for telling the damn truth. I looked up and see her chuckle and ruffle my hair....

Y/N: Neither did I and I'm the boss of this Café. I chuckle and smiled at Touya and told him to go seat while I get ready to open and make sure things are correctly in place.

Touya went somewhere to seat and wait for his food that he somehow got for free. A few seconds later one of the workers went up to Touya or as they know now, Dabi and gave him his food. He thanked gladly and saw them leave. For some reason, what Touya was confused about was that his mom worked at as cashier and made some food even though she owns the whole Café. Minutes pass and Y/N finally got a break and went to Touya and just chat for a while. While they were having a talk, one of Y/N's friends came to ask for their usual drink. When they got their drink they looked to their right and notice that Y/N was talking some unknown boy. So they decided to go up to them and talk for a few minutes.

Toshinori: Ah, Y/N I was wondering where my favorite cashier was. I walked to Y/N, a dear friend that I encountered a few months ago.

Y/N: I looked around trying to find the voice that just called out to me. And to my surprise Toshinori was here but in his small form for the time being. Oh, Toshi I didn't notice you. How are you doing so far?

Toshinori: I'm doing quite well right now actually, thank you. I see you have another kid with you this time. I looked at white haired boy, and just by looking at his eyes he reminds me of Endeavor. I  could be wrong though. I stretched out my hand introducing myself to the white haired boy. Hello, I'm Toshinori Yagi.

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