Father's Day Special!!👨‍👧‍👦

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Father's Day. The one time year that some kids could spend the day with their father and appreciate them for all they could do or done. Today Y/N and the kids wanted to do something 'special' for Atushiro and Kurogiri. Atushiro being a father figure to now all three grown kids. Kurogiri being a step up father figure as well not only for the kids but to Y/N as well.

Y/N: Okay, today is Father's Day and I wanted to do something for Atushiro and Kurogiri. As well for my late father which I will privately do or you could join me as well but either way. Anyone got ideas?

Toga: We could do a small surprise and give lots of gifts Mom!

Shigaraki: I honestly don't know Mother....I know Atushiro is now are Father but even I don't what to give him really. But we could go with Toga's plan.

Dabi: I don't know and don't care but...I know you'll be mad about it so...why not we three could spend some time with Dad and you could spend some time with Kurogiri... Thats another idea I mean.

Y/N: I love it, a surprise party is a wonderful idea Toga but I mean it's just Atushiro and Kurogiri. But the gifts is definitely a must so there's that. We'll go with Dabi's plan. Get a gift. Each from all of you. Spend some time with your Father and then give him the gift here when you get back or do it when you're with him got it.

Toga: Alright!! We get to go outside and spend some time with Dad!!! I started to laugh and go get change.

Shigaraki: Alright, but what will you do with Kurogiri Mother?

Dabi: Yeah, I mean why not come with us and Kurogiri too?

Y/N: Did you guys forget...Kurogiri can't leave due to how his quirk is. I mean we love him how he is but it'll definitely attract some unwanted attention.

Dabi: Shit..I forgot about that. *sighs* Well I'll be in my room going to change, you too Shiggy. I began to head out and go to my room.

Shigaraki: But still what will do with Kurogiri?

Y/N: Oh just maybe some cooking time and just talk. Maybe even show him my late father and you know small crafts here there. I just wanted something that we could do together you know.

Shigaraki understood and excused himself to leave so that he may change. Y/N stared at Shigaraki's back seeing his figure leave the scene from her room. After a couple minutes later knocks were heard and entered all three grown kids and Atushiro.

Atushiro: Hey..the kids are taking me out for a while okay. I entered the room while all three just stand by the door. We won't be out for long okay.

Y/N: I know just be careful okay. He pecked my lips and nodded. I noticed Dabi cringed at the sight as always. Shigaraki just stared and turned away. And Toga well.. she looks happy feeling giddy.

Dabi: Still disgusting...But come on let's go Old man. We don't have all day.

Toga: Yeah, let's go Dad!! We have may plans ahead of us.

All four began to head out the door and left the hideout. Y/N just stared at her door them to her picture frame on her nightstand. It was her first family picture. Atushiro was right beside Y/N holding her waist close to him. Toga being in the middle giving a huge smile showing her canine teeth. Dabi was on Atushiro right side having his elbow on Atushiro shoulder smiling slightly whatsoever. And Shigaraki was Y/N left side having his arm over shoulder smiling like Dabi.

Y/N smiled softly at the picture. She them got up from her bed and did her hair in two space buns and head to find Kurogiri. She then spotted him on the couch reading a book and having a small cup of coffee on the table beside him. She walked up to him and Kurogiri heard the sounds of footsteps and looked up to see Y/N standing before him.

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