Chapter IV

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Y/N and the three kids followed her to her house and get them dress and clean. When they were walking Y/N stopped and looked to the side and saw a clothing store. She looked down at Toga and Touya, seeing she needed to get clothes for them both.

Y/N: Say, before we head home why not pick out a few clothing options for you both, when I give you both a bath huh?...Toga looked excited to get clothes for her, while Touya was just staring at me but nodded agreeing getting clothes for him. Alright then, let's pick out some clothes and stay close by me so that I don't lose you okay. They all nodded and began to follow me to the store for clothes.

Time Skip to L/N's Resident

Y/N: Well here we are, welcome to my home now to our home. I looked down to see Toga giving me a full smile, then to Touya looking at me seeing his eyes softening up.

Toga: Your house looks amazing Y/N!!! I'm really glad I followed you! I was beaming and amazed at the decorations she has around.

Y/N chuckled at the beaming Toga. She then told both her and Touya to follow her into her room then to the bathroom(which is connected to her room), so she can give each of them a bath. Toga automatically followed her while Touya was still on edged but follow her either way. Y/N told Touya that she was gonna give Toga a bath first and ask if he can wait outside. As well if he gets bored he can find Tenko and talk with him. Even giving him the option to look around the house if he likes. He nodded his head and saw both girls go inside the bathroom.

Touya: She said I can explore around her house. Might as well since I will be living here from now on. I got off Y/N's bed and started to walk out and began to look around trying to associate myself with everything.

Touya continued to walk around the house, until he encountered one door, curiosity was taking over him, telling himself not to open and see what was inside the room. A few seconds pass and Tenko saw Touya staring at the door in front of him.

Tenko: Hey, Touya right...? What are you doing here? I thought mom was gonna give you bath, along with Toga?...I see Touya jumped up a bit and look at me and relaxed knowing it was me.

Touya: Oh, it's just you...I was just exploring around the house so I can familiarize everything around here for me...that was until I saw this door in front of me. Do you know what's behind Teko?...I see him deadpan me telling me his name is "Tenko" or whatever.

Tenko: No, I don't know I didn't realize this was even here at the house at all. I see Touya, look at me kinda giving a face of 'Really? You lived here for a while and you don't know?'

Touya: Damn, and I thought you knew you everything but I guess not. I looked at him and see he looks frustrated at me, but honestly I didn't care really. *sighs* Anyways wanna check it out, Teko? We are just taking a peak and leaving like nothing happened.

Tenko: It's "Tenko" not "Teko". And I don't know if we should, wouldn't that be disrespecting her privacy? I looked at him, but again he told it'll be quick and we'll leave not touching anything. I finally gave in and agreed to this stupid request.

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