Chapter XXI

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Everyone was surrounding Y/N and talking about baby names or what gender the baby could be. Yuni was at the bar with Shigaraki and Atushiro. They knew that if they gave her the medicine for her disorder then it could impact greatly on the unborn child growing inside her.

Yuni: Well this is quite unfortunate isn't. I mean congrats Sako, I mean it congrats but also at the same time just how unpredictable this is.

Shigaraki: Agree..who knew that the day that we got our medicine for Mother would be the day she was announcing her pregnancy.

Atushiro: Yes I agree completely. I mean I didn't know that the gummies were coming today. It's just I noticed a few slight changes on Y/N's body and...we had few times we did together... I coughed slightly getting a bit embarrassed saying it.. privately of course... but still...

Yuni: Fuck you Sako....if you didn't do the deed with Y/N then none of this would happen..

Shigaraki: Yuni.....Are you hating on my  unborn sibling because of Father's mistake....I was feeling some anger rising in me.

Yuni: What!?! Of course not Shigaraki!? I'm just saying that this was just unpredictable day and we..I mean I knew the medicine was coming but the announcement wasn't. You didn't and I didn't know about it okay. It's was just uncalled for you know.

Shigaraki just glared at Yuni but left it off either way and turned his body around to stare at his mother. Atushiro just shook his at Yuni for telling them sooner but what could you do huh. They both saw Shigaraki leave and head over to his over to feel her stomach.

Atushiro smiled at the small sight of Shigaraki touching her small little bump. Toga getting all excited knowing that is going to be a big sister soon and Dabi...well it's like the conversation they had 5 years ago in the past. He gets another chance to teach his little sibling and get a life restart. However, now he's wondering would his unborn child get a Bipolar disorder too? He wouldn't mind or care as long as it's healthy and safe but still it could happen but hoping it wouldn't.

Yuni: Let's just give the melatonin gummies when she gives birth and the kid gets big enough so that when she breastfeed him, the milk wouldn't do anything to harm them. Alright Sako?

Atushiro: Oh yes..I was about to tell you that actually but yeah got it. I just...can't believe I'm going to be father Yuni...can you believe it...

Yuni: A little actually. I knew you two would stay together for a long time but to the point of having a kid on the way..unbelievable..I chuckled at this, I'm really happy for both Y/N and Atushiro but man having a kid around here well...

Atushiro: It's going to be even more chaotic around here isn't it. Having a baby that soon will turn into a toddler then a small kid...*chuckles very dryly* well we have to be on guard even more, huh Yuni? I see her chuckle as well and turn around to look at Y/N.

Yuni: Agree...agree..well might as well when the bump gets bigger get ready for many mood swings and crazy cravings.

Atushiro: Yeah gotta get be prepare for that. It'll be a long 9 month here, and let's try not to stress and keep her happy.

Yuni agreed and headed to the door saying she wants some fresh air. Atushiro nodded and went over to the huge crowd sitting on the one of the arm chairs listening to the conversation.

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